
Is this child in danger, and should she be removed from the home

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My brother has always been schizophrenic, but always took his medication a regularly saw a team of physicians. As a fortunate result, he was able to lead a fairly normal life (although people still found him a bit quirky) and even got married and had a daughter who is now 5.

That is, until his wife passed away in a tragic drowning accident. He stopped taking his meds, and officially fell off the deep end--walking around in public in fantasy costumes with his face painted and wearing bizarre eye contacts, completely changing the inside of his house to look like some crazy mix of 19th century Victorian style interiors crossed with fantasies and mythologies.

The way he treats his daughter is what concerns me. He fixed her room up to look like a room where a queen stays, legally changed her name to Princess and has her walking around in elegant dresses with a tiara on her head. He'll sit with her in his lap and cuddle her for hours and hours, feeds her a horrifying amount of sweets, and showers her with gifts. One time we all went to a carnival, and a ride operator took her by the arm and directed her to the end of the line for cutting--my brother viciously beat him down right in front of the children, and it took several people to pull him off.

I know he isn't abusing her, she seems to be okay... But I don't think this poor girl should be growing up in such a twisted environment. And I really want my brother to be under 24 hour watch in a hospital.

Would CPS remove her so we can get him back on the right track?




  1. Most likely. The only way to find out would be to call them and see. Keep in mind they will probably call him first and let him know that there has been a complaint against him and that they will be coming to check things out. I would call soon though and he could inadvertantly put his daughter in danger even if all he wants to do is protect her.

  2. If you do not call CPS I will its a 5:00 news story waiting to happen, further more as a Court Mandated reporter I am required to report this. Since that is not an option I must tell you to report this immediatly. This does not mean she will be in foster care most likely she will go to your family, why hasnt a family member gone a taken her out of the home? Get a Lawyer do not wait, I cannot stress the urgency.

  3. You are right to be concerned. CPS will intervene. Your brother is not hurting his daughter physically but mentally he will warp her sense of reality if this behavior continues. He has to see someone.

  4. The key to answering your questions is "What is in the best interest of the child".

    It is my opinion that the child would be temporarily removed from the home in order for the court to make a decision (based on medical evaluations, expert opinions, etc.) as to your brother's fitness to retain the child in his home without some sort of supervision.

    I dont not believe it is in the best interests of the child to be reared in such a bizzar environment as you describe your brother's home to be.

  5. OK, make sure CPS give the child to someone you (or you in person) trusts with your life. Take her to therapy. As for him, make sure he is in a mental hospital and put back on his meds.  

  6. Is this for real? He changed his daughter's name "legally" to Princess?  All along this process NO ONE has intervened or stepped in until he beat the sh*t out of someone?  The day that he walked around in fantasy costumes in public is the day his daughter should have been removed from his no no, the day he stopped taking his MEDS it should have happened.  I have a hard time believing this is a legitimate question.  

  7. imagine what he would do if he lost his daughter as well. that is not fair. a better answer would to check things out once in a while and make sure shes okay and scince shes "princess" he will probably home school her anyways

  8. That would concern me too. Right now, he really isn't doing anything considered harmful but it could escalate to that.

    Why wasn't he turned in or prosecuted for beating the guy at the carnival? That is what concerns me.

    You can't take a child away from a parent who is giving that child a life many kids dream of, but they could have taken custody and put him in for observation when he was violent.

    He is giving his daughter a chance to live out a fantasy. It could be argued that he is doing that to help her cope with the loss of her mother.

    I agree, he is in need of help but as long as he isn't mistreating her there really isn't much they can do.  Spoiling her but not allowing her to be in danger is not considered endangering her or neglect or abuse in any way.

    The social service system is overloaded with children who were removed because they were being molested, locked up, starved and/or beaten by their parents or care givers. They are not going to be interested in a child who is being spoiled by a parent who loves her and happens to be very strange but not considered a threat to her well being.

    Please watch him carefully. Being a schizophrenic, he can suddenly turn and become a threat to her even though he loves her. The next time you see him doing anything that is violent or appears to be leading to violence, get him help. It would be a good idea to call a mental health place and ask them what to look for and what to do when you see warning signs.

  9. Your brother is mentally ill and he needs psychiatric help immediately. Call CPS, they will investigate and find her a suitable home (you or some other family member should adopt her if at all possible) and you should get power of attorney over him as he is not able to make a well informed decision, so for his own benefit get P of A and remand him to a mental institution.

  10. i dont think that taking his daughter away would really be the best thing for anyone.  if he went off the deep end after the tragic passing of his wife, one could only imagine what would happen if he were to lose his daughter as well.  it sounds like he loves her alot, and even though he is quite extreme, there is no reason to remove a child that isnt being abused.  my suggestion is to be there for them and try talking to him.  also, try and help him out when ever possible to make sure that she is getting nutricious food, doctors care and everything that she needs.  maybe in time things will get back to normal, but i reall dont think that there is cause for alarm at this point in time. best of luck

  11. Maybe CPS will be a good choice, but i think a family member should step in and take legal custody of the child. A child can grow up in a fantasy world, but once she starts going to school and socializing with, i guess average kids, then she will feel out of place and insecure.

    The best route you have is if a family member can take full custody of the girl because afterall, a schizo is taking care of a child!. I am happy though that he does love her so he should have a right to visit her, but he should not be taking full care of her.

    I hope everything turns out well for your brother and his daughter. Get your brother well so he can have a "normal" life with his daughter who will need him.

    And no, i don't believe the girl is in danger. But i do believe that she needs security and a stable father.

  12. Definitely do something. I think your brother needs help. His daughter shouldn't grow up that way.

  13. Assuming this is not a fake question...

    Your brother didn't ask to have schizophrenia and be widowed. Just because you think some of his behavior is odd is no reason to judge him. If his daughter is thriving then let it go and let them live their life together. He obviously loves her very much.

    It's not your business -- mind your own business. Stay out of it. Watch for negative changes but other than that be loving and kind. It's not your place or call to judge what you don't understand.

  14. No, thats wrong, why don't you or someone else in the family take the child under your care, while he is in the hospital?

  15. Yes, please call CPS.  I see something far worse happening to him and this child in the future.

  16. I can understand your concern, but there's actually nothing you (or CPS) can do about this right now.

    Like it or not, your brother has a right to raise his child in ANY way that he so choses, as long as he is not physically or sexually abusing her. Parents have that right.

    And as far as calling this 'mental' abuse; wrong! Yes, its a bit unusual, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with his parenting.. its only viewed as wrong because it isn't a mainstream, typical way of rearing children. Mental abuse would be; calling her ugly, stupid, worthless, etc - sharing with her stories of violence or sexual acts - degrading or humiliating her and so forth.

    Mental abuse is NOT giving her special treatment or excessive attention.

    I agree that he should receive some help, because obviously he is very much still mourning the loss of his wife -- but his child should not (and cannot, at this point) be taken away from him! She is quite literally all he has left right now in his eyes.. and taking her away would do more harm than good to him.

    Try to see this through his eyes, love.. and you'll understand. <3

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