
Is this cold and heartless and why?

by  |  earlier

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The person asked "If you could, how would you love me?"

and I explained that I was married and redirected the person to another category that might be more appropriete for the question than paranormal. Pehaps singles.

I am told this answer was cold and heartless, and I just wanted to know if perhaps I am being a jerk.

My intention is to be helpful, but intentions are not always what comes through.

Im asking this here because the original question was asked in the paranormal category.




  1. Nah, that was a dumbass question anyway. Who the h**l asks that?

  2. I asked a question one time in the paranormal section,that I believed it would categorize it for me.Boy was I wrong!I'm new at this and the response I got,would of made you'ld think I'd of ran over a squirrel or something!I also found out that people look for you in the category that there use to seeing you in...that's why you they might of found you."cold and heartless",I think not!I also some of these people are mean and will pick you apart like a vulture!I'm no fancy speller,and the one time I did say "aztecs" instead of "mayan".....WHOOOOOOO!don't let them get to you,keep on helping and remember;theres something good in everyones response to your questions,how you respond to there questions, will depend on how good you are at letting all there misdirected attitudes affect you!have a good day,and make a good day of it!.......Blessed be!

  3. I don't believe you were being unreasonable.  but, the question was...and the key words here are...."If you could"...meaning hypothetically.  But...on the other hand, I think you are by all rights, entitled to your opinions, and if you felt it was necessary to respond the way you did, it's valid.  You weren't being crass, you just felt it would be best answered by someone a little less biased.

  4. No, you weren't being a jerk - just a good, faithful hubby!

    Good for you!

  5. You were not being cold and heartless, the part that bugs me the most is that you were reprimanded for being faithful to your wife. I mean what is this world coming to? It's pretty amazing that you didn't just answer her question and play along. A lot guys married or not would have answered it and felt they did nothing wrong. I mean what did she expect from yahoo answers?

  6. should be fine not cold just honest

  7. No, I felt it was an insipid question to be asking in the Science & Mathematics category in the first place, and your answer was both polite and helpful.

  8. Nah it isnt. Its a reasonable answer seeing as how you are married.

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