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There is four stages in a mans life

1 You believe in Christmas Father

2 You don't believe is Christmas Father

3 You are Christmas Father

4 You look like Christmas Father

Waiter " I see your glass is empty, can i get you another one "

Customer " No thanks, why would i want two empty glasses "

How do you know if a blond is pregnant?

Well, if you don't know how can you expect her to know?




  1. I like thats funny

  2. These are really good...Thanks you made my day.

  3. hehe!! Thanks Cheri those are great!!

  4. hahahaha. tx for sharing cheri

  5. Very good

  6. Very witty indeed!  But can i also add an intelligent guess?  I say that you are from somewhere in the Mediterranean.  Am i right?  If i am,  don't ask me how i know,  i'll just say that i'm not blonde! :-)  Have a nice day!

  7. Lol Honey I must be blonde cause I do still believe in Father Christmas.!!!!!xxxx

    But I love all of them thanks for the laugh and have a wonderfull weekend.xxxxx

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