
Is this considered a start to anorexia?

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I am back in school and now i don't eat lunch out of nerves. By luch time i have absoltley no appitite. I drink some water and my teachers don't let me go to the bathroom so i hold alot of water inisde of me all day until i get home. I feel really tired and shaky, but it's only been one day that i've done this. I don't want to be anorexic. But sometimes i think: "well, maybe if i just skip this one meal..." or at least this will be skinnier...."

so please tell me what to do! thanks in advance!




  1. Eh, not really.  If you are never wanting to eat all other times besides at school when you're nervous, then maybe.

    I didnt like to eat lunch in high school either.  I was so self conscious that I didnt want to eat there, so Id eat lunch after school.

  2. nonononononono

    annorexia is when you practically dont eat anything at all.

    i know exactly how you feel because i dont eat lunch at school because im never hungry at that time.

    it might just be your metabolism and your body might be used to a certain amount of calories and nutrients at certain times and by skipping that meal, its trying to get used to it.

    you are going annorexic only if you eat like 12 grapes in a whole day :]

  3. How much do you weigh?Do you feel like you may be sick with anorexia?

  4. Skipping meals is not the way to lose fat the only thing you will lose is muscle and yes if your body eats away at your muscles instead of being fueled properly you will be on your way to not only anorexia but significant bone loss and possible damage to internal organs.

    The only way to lose weight safely is to begin a nutrition plan with healthy choices and exercise at least 3 times a week.  Calorie intake should be decided upon your activity level, if you are very inactive I wouldn't take in more than 1800 calories a day, but make them healthy and nutritious calories, have breakfast before you leave home, I know a lot of kids these days don't do so, try Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, it tastes great and the whole grain carbs will keep you going for hours, at lunch pack an apple, a bottle of water and good protein bar of some kind.  You'll have the energy you need to get through the rest of your school day.  

    My daughter has that problem with her teachers not allowing trips to the restroom as well.  I don't believe that they have the right to do so.  If you have to go then you have to go.  I am actually in the middle of dealing with that and attempting to find out the reasoning behind it, it seems absurd that kids are told no when they ask.  

  5. its not anorexia

    but can be considered the very early stages of an eating disorder

    if you dont feel hungry just force yourself to have a piece of fruit and some nuts

    maybe all your body needs is a bit of energy

  6. First of all that you are doing is very bad for you take meal bars and fruit you need to eat water is good for you its not good to hold it to you need to go to the bathroom  

  7. No it is not. I am both anorexic and bulimic. When I was being diagnosed in an eating disorders clinic, The symptoms that the doctor there pointed out to me were as follows.

    If you refuse to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height. If you weigh less than 85% of the expected weight is considered minimal. You have an  intense fear of gaining weight, even though the person is underweight. You have issues with self-perception that are distorted.

    If you have who have missed at least three consecutive cycles. But, I would talk to your healthcare provider. It's not anorexia, as that takes more than one would be at least 6 months of doing that. Good luck and take care.

  8. im not understanding you,,,,,

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