
Is this considered an affair?

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Have you ever fallen for a married man?

I am friends with a married man but our friendship moved to the next level. We just started being physical. We haven't had s*x but I went down on him and we kissed.

At first I just saw him as someone to talk to and ask advice since he is he is old enough to be my dad. I just enjoyed his company but something about him that started turning me on and I started to like him more than just friends.

I think about him all the time. He hasn't called me for 3 days and I miss him like crazy. I want to end it before things get out of hand but I can't seem to bring myself to do it. I am a weak person.

So have you ever been in this situation before?

How did you broke it off?




  1. if he is old enough to be youre dad, and he kissed you, then he could get arested! and if his wife found out you would get in huge trouble! its not worth it! get a hot guy youre age. it would be better. and when you get scared trying to end the relationship, think about what would happen if you didnt end it over and over again.

  2. It is an affair of sorts if you are having feelings for a married man, yes and you should probably break it off before his wife finds out.

  3. Moni!!

    How old are you?

    If he is old enough to remind you of your father, then whoa!!

    Of course he has not called you in 3 days,

    he does not need his "clock cleaned" yet.  

    Get out of this situation and fast.

    He is using you and your infatuation for him.  

    To brake it off, just refuse to take his calls, don't see him, don't call him, and most of all don't fall for the old line "I like you, you are so mature for your age, more than my wife, etc, etc.

    Miss him but don't meet him for anything.  Pretend he is dead and at the bottom of the sea.

    ...and yeah it is an affair when you give head and you are not his wife.  


  4. you might just be wanting what you cant have.  

  5. Let him know that there are feelings, but that you can't help him cheat on his wife. Untill he is out of his relationship with her, let him go. You shouldn't let yourself be something on the side even if you really like him.

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