Ok I have a close female friend of mine that I've known for about two years. She has two daughters - one in the same state where she used to live and the other way on the west coast (who was supposed to visit her mother this summer). My friend doesn't have custody of either child. However, the child that was in the same state with her was able to see her every weekend, during holidays and across the summer. Well one day my friend decides that her relationship with her spouse isn't worth having anymore so she leaves the state to go be with an online "friend." Now she and her two children are in 3 different states. My friend left her daughter, whom was spending a holiday weekend with her, with her grandmother and just walked away. No clothes, no nothing...just her purse and a few items. She never told the child anything, didn't say goodbye to anyone - the ex, family or friends. I asked her what happened and she said she just wasn't happy anymore. Two weeks after this disappearing act, she phones me to say that she and her online friend are now engaged. I asked her what she was going to do about her child and she says "Well it's a good thing neither one of them are with me right now...they're better off anyway."
Now I don't have any children but is this child abandonment? I know visitation was in the agreements (one verbal and one in a divorce decree) she had between both fathers, but even if not a legal issue what about emotionally? I know she has been singing the "I'm going to get my kids back" tune since I've known her and hasn't tried to do anything yet. She feels justified because she didn't have custody of either one of them anyway. Any insight? What does this do to the child?