
Is this considered depression?

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I have a really low self esteem. I get fearful and paranoid what people think about me. It seems that no matter how hard I try, and how nice I am to people, I still can't seem to make a connection with someone. I do have some friends, but not the kind were you hang out with every weekend. I'm a junior in high school this year, and I can't wait to get out of high school. I actually cry sometimes at night because I hate it so much and wish it would just go away. I'm really not happy at school, and when I'm not at school, I'm worrying about school. Do you think I'm depressed? What could be wrong with me? And how can I stop thinking about what people are thinking about me too much?




  1. I have clinical depression, and to me this sounds more like some sort of social anxiety disorder, if anything. If you're really worried about it, go to a doctor or a therapist and they will have you take a quiz to see if you are depressed, and may prescribe you medicine to balance out your chemicals.

  2. maybe. i had that kind of detestment for school last year. it was ****ing torture. that led me to get bad grades and stuff. you might want to see a therapist and get it checked out. (if you want).

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