
Is this considered harassment?

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The other day, my friend's ex girlfriend broke up with him and didnt tell him why exactly. So my friend kept sending her myspace messages begging her to tell him why. She kept ignoring him. After 6 messages she told him to leave her alone, but he sent two more after that. is that considered harassment? the messages were not sexual or offensive in any way.




  1. If the boyfriend admits to receiving the message telling him to leave her alone, then yes - it is harassment.

    Once a person says "leave me alone" and the other person(s) keeps interacting with them, it can always be considered as harassment in a court of law.

  2. Well by law if you feel harassed its considered harassment, but if it did not have any sexual or offensive in any way. But you gotta remember if she told him to leave her alone, and he still sent her that message than its considered harassment. But your friends ex girlfriend should have a legitimate reason why she broke up with him. But I think your friend should be careful because by law no matter how stupid it is his ex could use that against him. Well I wish your friend lots of luck, best thing he should do is just let it go. Its not worth the stress and wasting good health over it.

  3. From the Black's Law Dictionary, harassment is:

    "A course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such person and serves no legitimate purpose" or "Words, gestures, and actions which tend to annoy, alarm and abuse (verbally) another person."

    "Harassment usually involves repeated communications via email or some sort of instant messaging program after the harasser has clearly been told to go away."

    According to these definitions, I think your friend's situation would  be considered harassment even if he's not threatening her.  

  4. the term "harassment" is ambiguous. it could be argued that it is harassment.

  5. That is not harassment in fact your friends girlfriend does not sound like a very good person.  Sounds to me like she is trying to play some childish games.  Sounds very frustrating indeed.

  6. no

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