long story short - myself, my partner, and our 16mo old daughter went to a nice private housing community to rent a condo that was individually owned. we loved it, we wanted it, so we gave him the deposit and the first month's rent. we signed the lease with my partner as the primary lease holder, and we had my father co-sign. the owner signed the lease also, said it was ours, and that we could pick up the keys on the 15th of aug.
i got a phone call a fews days after, he said that he was sorry he couldnt rent us the condo. he said the background check came back and showed that my partner had a criminal charge. well, that was from 8 years ago, and on the application it asked 'have you been convicted in the past 5 years' so she didnt lie. the application was terribly misleading, otherwise she would have been honest about the charge from 8 years ago, or i would have signed the lease. they didnt do backgrounds on occupants, just lease-holders. then he has the audacity to say that he also can't rent to us because it is a single family dwelling and we are not a family. i assume he meant because we weren't a male and female married couple, or that we werent related by blood. i'm pretty positive there is a state law in tennessee that says a landlord cannot discriminate based on familial status.
anyway, my main question is - can we re-apply for a different unit in this community with ME as the primary lease-holder and my father as a co-signer, or would they deny us based on the fact that we had applied with my partner on the lease before? the only social security number they asked for on the application was the primary lease holder, so this time if its me, will they still say no?
sorry to drag this out, we are just devasted to have lost the place. we had signed the lease and were ready to move in and everything when the guy dropped this bomb on us. is what he did legal? and would my plan of being the lease-holder next time work?
(i'd also like to add, for character's sake, that 8 years ago my partner had a drug charge and acknowledges this mistake in her life and has remained clean and sober since and has not been in any other trouble whatsoever)