
Is this considered kleptomania or is it some other sickness?

by  |  earlier

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My friend steals my clothes. She has more clothes than me, and she steals the smallest things in my closet so I don't notice for a while, she steals things she already has too...She has more expensive clothing and more pairs of shoes, I only have three she has about seven+ if that helps. She is also very show offy. She shows off her new clothes and expects me to do so in return. She'll be like,"Oh new shoes? Cool, can I try them on?" and I'll say sure. She however, when getting new shoes,"LOOK EVERYONE I'VE GOT NEW SHOES!! WANNA BORROW THEM?" What is this? Kleptomania or just someone who clearly needs attention?




  1. drop her. she is not a good friend. and you don't need these kinds of problems.  

  2. sounds like a little of both

    and that doesnt sound like too much of a friend

  3. Your friend just likes to be the center of attention and I dont believe she thinks about how you feel when she does these things.  I think that she may only be interested in you because you are able to afford good clothes and shoes.  See if you can make friends with about five other people as well so that you have other people to chat with.

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