
Is this considered lucid dreaming? if not then what?

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Last night when i was trying to sleep *i was exhausted* i started to slip into sleep but, you know the time where your still awake but almost asleep? i was sort of stuck in that part. i was completely aware that i was not dreaming because i tried to smack myself to wake myself up but my arms felt heavy and i felt sick. then i started hearing singing and i don't really know why. so once i shook myself awake i felt sick and had a headache and i felt so heavy i couldn't move. Is there a word for this? it has never happened to me before until last night.

P.S please don't say stupid things like "are you on drugs" or c**p like that. Its offensive.

thank you




  1. thats not lucid dreaming. lucid dreaming is when you are in a dream and you know its so obscene and unrealistic that it must be a dream. so in the dream you know you are dreaming right then. its really funny haha because then you know you can do anything, and maybe try to change things! i think what you had was a form of Astral Travel, ussually it happens when you right going to sleep, and you feel like your falling or something and you like jump and you dont know if you were asleep or awake.

  2. I'm pretty sure that's not lucid dreaming. For lucid dreaming, you have to be dreaming--you either have to wake up inside your dream, or carry your consciousness to sleep with you... or whatever works. If it was a lucid dream, you would have been able to move your arms pretty easily; you could have flown up from your bed if you had wanted to. I think, like other people have said, you were experiencing a moment of sleep paralysis.

    Anyways--I've had the thing where I can hear singing while falling asleep many, many times--it's weird, because I'll be listening to the sounds of my bedroom, or the rain outside, or a song on my computer, and then I'll hear completely different music at the same time. By the time I realize that I'm falling asleep, though, I'm back to reality with no more dream-music, though it starts up again a few moments later. Everything you experienced is completely normal. =)

  3. I also heard this type of dreaming called a waking dream. I've had them myself but never to the point I couldn't snap out of it if I wanted to.  

  4. If I'm not mistaken that's sleep paralysis. It is a common condition that occurs upon waking or when falling asleep. Simply put, it's like being half-awake and half-asleep. Basically what happens is that you're awake but your brain persists that you're dreaming. Like in dreams, you can't move your physical body but your mind can reproduce the sensations of motion and other things including sounds, scents etc.

    Since your mind thinks you're still sleeping but your body is already partially awake, dream and reality coincides. You sense what is around you and at the same time you also sense the things that your mind is producing like that of a dream. Consequently, during sleep paralysis you may experience hallucinations that seem incredibly real like hearing something or seeing something weird.

    This usually happens when you're really stressed out or exhausted. It's not a disease, so don't worry, it's something that happens to everyone once in a while. hope my answer helps!

    So it's not lucid dreaming, that's different. Neither is it astral travel if that's come to your mind, although there have been speculations that the concept of astral travel is based on sleep paralysis.

  5. Your not on drugs everyone at times experiences such as this condition.You are over tired and were possibly actually dreaming it's thought out of body experiences are the same type of sleep disorder or experience like sleep walking when the wardrobe is visited instead of the lavatory and leave the house to go to work without getting dressed.It could be an initation into the realm of the prophets who did these things regularly and wrote down all their experiences.

  6. I don't think this is lucid dreaming. I've had a few before and i know what it feels like. I think what you're describing is sleep paralysis, where you can't move and you start hallucinating or hearing things. I've also experienced that before and it can be very frightening.

    For lucid dreaming, i'm pretty sure you'd have control as you are pretty much like a god in there, but some people can't fully control everything.

    To find out more about sleep paralysis, check the source.

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