
Is this considered lucid dreaming? if not what?

by  |  earlier

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Last night when i was trying to sleep *i was exhausted* i started to slip into sleep but, you know the time where your still awake but almost asleep? i was sort of stuck in that part. i was completely aware that i was not dreaming because i tried to smack myself to wake myself up but my arms felt heavy and i felt sick. then i started hearing singing and i don't really know why. so once i shook myself awake i felt sick and had a headache and i felt so heavy i couldn't move. Is there a word for this? it has never happened to me before until last night.

P.S please don't say stupid things like "are you on drugs" or c**p like that. Its offensive.

thank you

(this question was reposted because it was in the wrong catagory)




  1. No I think Lucid dreaming is when you are actually dreaming but you are aware that your dreaming. This sounds like you were in the 'inbetween' state of sleep and awakeness.  This is where sleep paralysis can occur but also your mind is very sensitive to the other world so to speak. Apparently, in this state you can tune into the spirit world and maybe the singing you heard was from that realm rather than the earthly realm?

  2. That sounds more like sleep paralysis. It's when you're waking up/going to sleep and you're partially conscious but your body isn't, and there's little to no reaction from your muscles when you try to move them.

    You're body paralyzes itself when REM occurs, and sleep paralysis is when you're partially conscious when this occurs or while it's occurring. It can cause terrifying hallucinations and a heightened sense of danger. The singing was likely a part of that.

    The two symptoms of sleep paralysis are paralysis and hallucinations (often that somebody's near you or you hear voices).

    Sleep deprivation, sleeping in, and naps increase the likelihood sleep paralysis will occur, so it probably happened  since you were exhausted.

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