
Is this considered masturbating???

by Guest58205  |  earlier

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Sometimes when Im in the shower, and I finish cleaning myself, before I get out, I take the shower head down and I put the water on full blast and I squirt it into my vag. Only the water touches it, not the shower head. I know thats weird but while the water is squirting in, if I get it at the right point it feels good and I get almost aroused. It feels like something being shoved in me, but in a good way, I get pleasure from doing this but not really in a sexual way, its confusing. It gives me a rush while Im doing it and my heart beats faster, and I go :O

I mean, its just water squirting up there, not an object, so is that considered masterbating? Im being dead serious Im not sure if what Im doing is normal or disgusting?




  1. Yes and plenty of woman do it

  2. Lots of girls do this, it's completely normal.

  3. yes its normal and no its not disgusting, people have used much worse to make them feel good... but yes its considered masturbating. but you cant get any cleaner than that can you??

  4. yes it is.

  5. Masturbating with the shower head down? You mean laying  in the bath open your legs, and let the water from the shower run down over your C**t? Yes.

    Masturbating with the shower head down.

    Here is good news for many people: private solo masturbation, which is sexual stimulation and release by one's self alone, is not a sin. There is no true Scriptural basis for calling it a sin.

    Masturbation can be a great way for men and women to get to know their bodies. Yes, men and women. There is a common misconception that only men m********e, when in fact women are known to m********e just as much as men. Women tend to keep it to themselves a little more and some men may be more open about it.

    You need to understand that sexuality and sexual feelings are normal and we are all sexual beings naturally, but society tends to make this part of our lives seem negative or forbidden.

    Did you know that masturbating could be healthy for you? It's true.

    So even if you're not comfortable touching or masturbating with the shower head down. It is a good idea to grab a mirror and take a peek every now and then.You will become familiar with what your  body look and feel like normally.

    The act of masturbating is not dirty at all. Masturbating with the shower head down is not dirty. Masturbating with the shower head down is normal or disgusting. Lot of women and men do it.

    Bottom line, if masturbating makes you feel good and your comfortable with it, then it may be right for you.Definately not disgusting. Its perfectly natural. It's perfectly normal behavior.

    Virtually everyone does. It is probably the safest and healthiest sexual release you can use as a teen-ager. Some teens when they first begin sexual development have particularly intense sexual sensations, and become more interested in masturbation.

    This can be confusing at first. If you are preoccupied and it is interfering with school work or  life, then set some limits for yourself.

    So if anyone ever tells you that masturbation will cause you to become sterile so that you can not have children, make you sick, make you lose your hair or go blind,they are not normal sexulal beings.

  6. Yes that is considered mastibating.

    there is nothing wrong with that.

    there are many girls that do the exact same thing.

    it is perfectly normal.

  7. If it stimulates your areas, then it is considered masturbating.  

  8. its not masturbating if u dont rub or finger urself and yeah its normal (and perverted in a good way) ;)

  9. Yep, that's maturbating, it's perfectly normal.

  10. yup, its masturbating but its competely normal, lots of women do it!

  11. Yes it is.........i read over everything that was written in response to your question and i was surprised that no one told you that using a forceful stream of water like that can be very dangerous. It is possible to get a VERY serious infection, and also the water can mess up the bakance of bacteria inside you: not good at all. Be careful, its not worth having a problem.....hope this helped

  12. yea i agree be careful with the water pressure! and yes its normal and it is considered masterbating!

  13. yes

  14. it is considered masturbating.  it is normal unless you have some sort of religous beliefts (i don't want to assume anything).  but it is not disgusting.

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