
Is this considered molestation? ?

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a little girl around the age of 8 was at a house with her cousin- age 16.

the little girl asked if her cousin wanted to play a game called top and bottom, where both are on the couch and whoever is laying on top has to pick "girlfriend" or "friend" and the one on bottom has to do whatever that person would do. ( the girl was molested the year before and was testing to see if what happened to her was normal or not)

the 16 yr old agreed to the game and kept picking "girlfriend" and had the little girl kiss him and he kissed and touched her.

the boy never told, but the little girl felt bad about what happened saying it was her fault, and told her mother.

is what the 16 yr old boy did considered molestation?

at that age should he have not known better than to participate in a game like that with such a young girl? or would he not have know that it was wrong?

the boy was of extremely high intelligence and was about to graduate early from high school and go to college. he was tested and proved to be considered a "genius". so, he definitely was not a "dumb" 16 yr old.

this is true,

so please give your honest opinion.

thanks so much for your help. i'm so confused in this situation.




  1. He would have known it was wrong, but so would the 8 year old girl. I don't buy that bull about 'testing'. I bet she was just curious and then realised she didnt like it.

  2. The guy should not have done that, but at the same time, he's only 16.

    How much do you think he knows about the world? Do you really think he knows everything that's right and wrong? I think you should confront the boy and have a talk with him. But I don't think it would be right to ruin his life over something he did when he was 16.

    So in other words, I think you should talk to him and scare the c**p out of him, about how you could get him "locked up" or something. But I don't think you actually could, cause honestly they're both juveniles.

  3. i definitely think that sounds like molestation....i dont know of ANY 16 year old who would participate in a lewd act with an EIGHT year old!  There's something wrong with that boy,  and he needs psychological counselling of some sort.

  4. This is molestion, just because he is mentally intelligent doesn't mean that what he did was "okay". This is molestation and incest.  Both parents and children need counseling.  This is not right.

  5. Yes, it's molestation.

    But the 8 year-old doesn't realize it.

    Criminalizing what is essentially curiousity might harm the 8 year old more than leaving it alone.

  6. Definately molestation. At 16 the body is fully developed and people definatley know right from wrong. If he was a genius then he's also a sicko because he would have known exactly what he was doing. The poor 8 year old girl would have had no idea what was going on my heart goes out to her.

  7. h**l yeah that little freak did it on purpose don't pretend he didn't know what he was doing he was probably a virgin and wanted to take his chance with his 8 year old cousin the sick b*****d.

  8. I bet my tax dollars are going to pay for that trial. So many stupid people out there these days.

  9. boys will be boys and YES it is molestation

    I wonder...which child would you help or abandon as a child psychologist?  were you one of these kids? are you close to one or both?


  10. Yes, don't over think it, yesyesyes.

  11. yes it's molestation but it would likely be tried in family court, if it was tried at all (depends on the type of kiss and where she was touched) and if the 16 yr old was so quick to do this, maybe he was molested in the past too.  smart doesn't mean you know better than what you've been taught. plus, the fact that the girl initiated the game would be considered "extenuating circumstances" so i doubt much would happen to the boy besides court ordered counseling.  that's probably what he needs anyway.

    and not all 16 yr old boys are s*x hungry perverts on the prowl for free s*x where ever they can get it, he may honestly not know what he did was wrong.

  12. He should have known better but the 8 year old who had been sexualised after her molestation clearly wanted the thrill of this sub-dom game, which is what I deduce from the facts given in the question.  

    What is in fact normal is that the male of the species is mostly congenitally incapable of declining any kind of sexual offer.  

    The moral of this story is that mothers should warn their sons about females who behave like the 8 year old in question and be very careful of indiscriminately accepting offers from sexually available females of any age.  It is usually a trap.  


    The concept of "jailbait" should also be explicitly explained.  

  13. Well although the girl did ask to play the game, he still should have known better. She's eight years old. He's 16. That's disgusting. I'm pretty sure it can be classified as pedophilia.

    And also, they're cousins. That's almost as disgusting.

    That's incest.

    Bottom line: Yes. It is very, very wrong.

  14. if he "toched" her inappropriatelyit wouldbe considered wrong and a sin i hope it wasn't you or your daughter  

  15. Lust goes around comes around dear =)

    Its dumb to think that having to touch a 6 y.o girls private is fun enough. And playing with a 6.y.o?!??! everyone knows girls around that age COMPLAITS A lot.. So, thats dumb there

  16. Sounds like a fun game for 16 year olds at parties.....BUT NOT for 8 year olds. I would def say molestation, the 16 year old should have known better.

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