
Is this correct... can I add anything?

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Global warming is causing heat, resulting in unbelievable droughts all around the world. The greenhouse gases are blocking heat in the atmosphere and Earth receives that heat. The heat becomes so intense that some countries are experiencing droughts, resulting in water shortages. Some countries such as those in Africa are experiencing so many droughts that some of their rivers and lakes are drying out. Forty years ago Lake Chad was the sixth largest lake in the world but as a result of global warming it has now shrunk to one twentieth its original size. (Gore, pages 116-117) It has been reported that in the past 52 years over 10,000 Alaskan Lakes have dried up. (Live Science) Global warming causes heat, which evaporates the water found in soil. Moisturized soil is necessary to keep the plants grown on Earth from becoming too dry. If the plants were to become too dry, it would cause a slowdown in crop production and marketing. The intense heat caused by global warming is also causing more and more desertification. In the 1990s the global rate of desertification was 1,374 square miles per year, over 500 square miles more than the rate was in the 1980s. (Gore, page 119) Global warming is changing Earth for the worse and soon all living creatures will suffer the consequences.




  1. What Countries are experiencing record Droughts? I only ask this because I remember Ethiopia experienced record drought and the deaths of millions while the scientists cried the next ice-age is coming.



    The intelligence on these boards are amazing....  The only result of CO2 is increased plant life.... That is also known as the balance of nature. If we produce more CO2, then that stimulates the growth of the plantlife that feeds off of it.... Global warming is caused by water vapor....

    Yes, the humidity in the atmosphere is our biggest heater. I have never grabbed an ice pack of CO2 or a heat pack of CO2. We don't use CO2 in radiators, heaters or even to magnify and intensify light. It retains no heat and it magnifies no heat. People are utterly retarded that think that it does.... How the h**l CO2 became a freakin dastardly gas from h**l is beyond me. Kind of reminds me of a bad rumor gone out of control. Anybody seen Elvis lately? How many people that come here have experienced alien abduction?

  3. Ignoring the silly replys from the cheap seats. Global warming doesn’t create heat the Sun creates heat Co2 & other gases in the atmosphere act like a blanket to stop/slow heat escaping to space.

    Edit: "Larry W" don't tell me you are one of the all most extinct group even amongst 'deniers' that claim Co2 isn't a greenhouse gas I would suggest if you are looking for morons, find a mirror.

    Or perhaps find someone who can read and get them to tell you what the link below say's

  4. You forget to tell us it's all bullshit. CO2 is what trees live on,  they turn it into oxygen.Stop breathing if you want to lower CO2 levels.You people used to call it Global Warming, now you call it Climate change

  5. Add a HUGE disclaimer that the events/causes/effects listed in your rant have no factual basis and any similarity to persons living or Al Gore are purely for the benefit and enrichment of Albert Gore while he commutes to and from his mansion in Tennessee to his condo in California by way of limousine and private jet and lining his pockets with "carbon credit" money obtained through the biggest fraud perpetrated on mankind.

    Global warming, along with global cooling is a natural cycle the Earth has been going thru since long before Al Gore and will continue long after he has assumed room temperature.

  6. You have written that "global warming is causing heat" I think you have it backwards - HEAT is causing global warming.

  7. hmm... i didn't know many answerers of this question have such strong anti- global warming feelings. makes me wonder what they are doing on a section in Y!A about global warming

  8. Global Warming is the effect, it is a consequence of :

    (1) either climate change natural cycle


    (2) Increase emissions level due to industrialisation.


    (3) Increase in solar flares and increase heat reaching earth.


    (4) Blanketing effect of GHG on escaping/reflected heat from earth.

    or combination of all of the above.

    so you can add and modify your essay accordingly.


  9. A quick science lesson for you larryw sunlight passes through the atmosphere, warms the surface of the Earth changing to radiant heat/Infrared energy hot air rises (like a hot air balloon) and radiates back to space. The greenhouse effect is Co2, water vapor and methane etc stopping a very small part of this heat escaping. An example of stopping most of the heat would be Venus 800°F surface temp, the effect we are having after 150 years of trying is 1°F.

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