
Is this crazy or what?

by Guest63848  |  earlier

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Even our current administration is coming out of the closet and admitting that the Global Warming phenomenon is real, and is a direct effect of the burning of fossil fuels.!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?contentidonly=true&contentid=2008/05/0136.xml

Who ever thought they would see the day in which the Bush administration admitted that Global Warming is a problem and is caused by oil?




  1. It may matter less what the administration says as what the consumers and voters think. If the main thought of Americans revolves around how to get the price of gasoline and diesel fuel down, can it even matter that the administration knows the answer is even higher prices at the pump?

  2. Here is a link to ALL the global warming myths!

  3. honestly it had to come out one day n well it finally did. bush n his administration should all be sent to prison they are horrible horrible people. because of the stupid war he started thousands of innocent people have died n our economy has gone down the drain. it just sooo horrible i dont even wanna imagine wuts gojng to happen to this country...well actually i can. b4 we know it there will be a plane or bomb or sum destructive c**p aimed at either new york or texas or california (nooo i live here) n then we'll be sorry...uhhhh its the ignorant ppl that voted for him...i wish i was old enough to vote but im only 16 so i still gotta wait...well hope this helped lol though its just my opinion global warming will end up killing us if a bomb or plane doesnt first....

  4. It's typical Bush.  In 2000 he said global warming was real and supported carbon emission caps,because he figured it would get him votes.

    In 2004 he said global warming was and ordered scientific findings to the contrary to be censored.

    Now, his bosses at Exxon have told him to admit global warming is real because they know that further lies right now will only cost votes their right-wing can ill afford to lose.

    But is it crazy? No--it's about money, and to h**l with the national interest (dependence on foreign oil), the welfare of the Amrican people (high gas prices) or the environment (global warming-induced climate change.

    There are only three types of people who are or were  "deniers" of global warming:

    >the ignorant

    >mentally ill conspiracy theorists

    > people in the pay of the oil companies (the category Bush is in).

  5. No one is buying it.  If you trust Bush so much and are so desperate to tax regular people, why don't you start with yourself?  What sacrifices are you making (I'm guessing no sacrifice, just hot CO2 air)?

    Edit: I hope that's true, but gong from one car to two cars (even hybrids) doesn't sound very eco-friendly to me--or much like a sacrifice.  And it doesn't help with traffic congestion.  We also use the same kinds of appliances which don't work as well (and my car is small and is a zero emission vehicle).  But the price of everything is still going up, not down.


  7. I have done a lot of looking into this kind of thing and found that though we are talking more openly about this but that in reality not a lot is being done about it. If that was not enough for you start looking into what is happening to our planet around 2010 - 2012. We are moving into the milky way galaxy and changing our position drastically. With this event we have also an exceptionally large increase in solar flares..very nasty stuff. Read at your own risk. Too much thinking about this kind of thing could really bring you down.

  8. What seems crazy to me is that you honestly believe this scam, and you seem proud to admit your ignorance on the subject.

    A couple of your statements are completely wrong and/or misguided, and have no scientific basis.

    1) "that the Global Warming phenomenon is real, and is a direct effect of the burning of fossil fuels."

    2)"The majority of the worlds Climatologists agree with Global Warming theory."

    Both of the statements above are completely false.

    Both 'Global Warming' and 'Global Cooling' are caused by natural cycles which are far beyond man's influence or control.

    The majority of scientists, in any field, do NOT agree with the AGW theory.

    You also made a rather interesting statement:

    "My family has made big changes to our life style - we sold the gas guzzling 4 wheel drive, and bought two hybrids which both get over 50 MPG each. We have started recycling, changed all of our lightbulbs to the super efficient kind. We have energy saver appliances. And guess what - all of our "sacrifices" are now saving us hundreds of dollars EACH MONTH. I guess I am just a dumb fundamentalist."

    The only way that you may be saving "hundreds of dollars EACH MONTH.", would be on your car's fuel bill, and that would only be if you drive incredibly far distances, since any energy saving appliances are only going to save a few pennies each month.

    Let us just look at the most efficient car that you mentioned, the 'Honda Civic' which got 35 miles to the gallon.

    We will use $4.00/gallon as an example.

    At 35 miles/gallon you would be paying $0.11.5/mile.

    At 50 miles/gallon you would be paying $0.08/mile, saving a $0.035/mile.

    This would save you $3.50/100 miles that you drive.

    This would take 28.6 days of driving at 100 miles/day in order to realize a $100.00 savings in fuel price saving.

    This would mean that you would need to travel at least 2,800 miles/month in order to see your first $100.00 savings, or 33,600 miles/year!

    If we use your SUV as an example, you would still need to clock at least 15,000 miles/year before seeing the same type of savings, or 1,250 miles/month, or about 41 miles/day.

    This is not an unreasonable figure since most people have to travel to work each day.

    In order to actually make any proper assessment on savings, you would have to consider what the cost was of the new vehicle, and then look at the 'Break Even' point before you actually start to realize any financial savings.

    You will be extremely disillusioned to find out that the car will probably never get to a break even point.

    DO NOT get me wrong however.

    I believe that mankind should be far less wasteful, and try to live with nature, as much as possible!

    Mother Earth is the only planet so far that will sustain our existence, no matter how selfish, greedy, arrogant, and stupid we may be.

    To allow yourself to be brainwashed by those who only have the sole intention of 'ripping all of us off', is only playing into their hands!

    If people could be bothered to learn some basic science, they would soon realize what a farce this myth is actually all about.


  9. Ya Ya, and if the American people said they wanted Crazy hat day, the government would eventually make that happen too.

    Politicians are in the pocket of big industry or swayed by it. So why is it so hard to believe that the industry of Global warming hasn't done the same ?

    We've been conservative and practiced conservation for decades, I remember all the campaigns going back to the 70's, so who are you or anyone to say OMG we have a crisis of warming on our hands and we need to turn everyone's lives upside down NOW to deal with it ? Its a hoax bud, and for every link you can come up with, i can counter you.

    If your global warming was real, they wouldn't be lying to us to make their case. There are no polar bears downing, The hole in the ozone was larges before we even used CFC's (1956 to be exact), If Co2 is causing the wamring then why did temperatures plateau in 1998 and went down 1/2 a degree from world wide weather monitor stations in 2007 ?

    you can't answer because its all a lie
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