
Is this creepy or ok? What is the proper etiquette?

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Do you ever get the feeling you are invading people's space when you look at someone for a while? I have a weird thought that always pops in my head in a certain situation. It usually happens when I'm walking around a busy place and a person I don't know is coming towards me in the opposite direction.My instinct is to look that person in the eyes until they give me a nod or say hi, but I always end up looking away because I'm scared I will look creepy or something. I don't know what the proper etiquette is in this situation. Like, where the heck are you supposed to look as they walk towards you? I try looking straight ahread, but I'm always distracted by the person.

Anyone experience this before? Do you have any suggestions? It's confusing. I don't wanna look creepy by staring at people, but on the other hand I wanna look nice and not some jerk just looking straight ahead without making eye contact and looking approachable. Do you understand what I'm saying?




  1. I actually know exactly what you mean.

    Because this happened when my friend was meeting me at the end of my road. She was walking towards me and it was obvious I had seen her, I didn't know whether to stare and smile or pretend to be distracted by the road.

    One good thing is to vaguely wave from a distance, then pretend you are finishing sending/receiving a text or playing with your phone and then shove it away as they are about 2-3 metres away and smile and greet!!!

    This is only creepy if you dont KNOW the person.

    Edit: You can pretend to be looking for something in your bag etc. The most important thing is to make your movements look natural, eg, if you look away do it slowly, with a smile and then look back, DONT jerk your head away or it makes you look edgy and creepy. Just slow, relaxed, confident movements.

  2. Look at their eyes and smile. If they smile back that is enough.

  3. Why don't you be the first to say "hello" or nod, instead of just looking and waiting.  Then it won't seem like you're staring.    

  4. Just look straight at their face and smile and say "hi".  You will be amazed at how many people will smile back and respond with "hi" too. This is proper.  You are not being creepy at all. You are actually wanting to make a connection with others and are self conscious about whether they will not respond. You will be amazed to find that about 98% of people DO respond in kind and some are really pleasantly surprised. Others really do like to be noticed too. Try it.  Good luck!!!

  5. i would smile and nod in their direction but do not stare.  if they don't respond back, continue on with your day,

  6. Be sure to blink. Staring is what is creepy.

    Be sure to smile.

    A nod is not a bad thing.  

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