
Is this cute for a first day of school for 7th grade?

by  |  earlier

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in your honest opinions thanx




  1. Its nice.. but reaaallllyyy black.. add some color!

    But i loooooooooveeeeee the vest!!

    good luck!



  2. I think the cropped vest is pushing it a little bit.

  3. Honestly?  It's a cool outfit, but maybe not for a seventh grader.  It all depends on  your personality, though.

  4. yes omg i love those vests!  i would buy it but i kinda dont like the jeans but thats just me.

  5. ya, it is too little for a grade 7, but right now im in high school going 2 grade 10, and normally high schoolers wear that.

    but wow, you are in for fashion, so yess definately its CUTEE for first day

    infact, i have just bought grey converse*

  6. It's really cute. But it does look a little over your age. You'll look cute. :]

  7. sweet outfit chick!!


  8. 2 much black and white

  9. Personally i think it's too matchy everything matches.

    Try just denim jeans then it will look good (:

  10. it looks a little too old for a 12 year old

  11. i like it but the pants seem to be to baggy a bit and i don't think it goes well with that top

    so why not try one of these pants?

  12. cute!

  13. cute XD

  14. Uhh those are guy's jeans.

    Just so you know haha.

    Yea it's cute if your style is like that,

    If it's not you might get called a poser or something.

    Also try a little color,

    Changing the black and white bracelet to a colored bracelet will make it even cuter.

    Have fun in 7th grade,

    I just got out of it. =]

  15. yeah thats really cute i really like the bracelet, my friend has it and i alwyas ask to borrow it.

  16. yes! that's adorable. i'd totally buy it (:

  17. For me, no. I dont like vests

    But im sure it would look cute on you!

  18. yeah i would definitely wear that. it's really cute. and i love converse!

  19. I think if the shirt didnt have that shiny stripe it would be better... not liking that particular stripe.

    But otherwise it's cute.  Although, you most likely have no shape (sorry, almost no girls do at that age) and I dont think it would look good on a girl with no curves.

  20. Yeahhh!! It's really cute but you should have colored shoes or bracelet so the outfit doesn't look boring. =]

  21. ok


  22. its cutee, but you might wantt to add some color, it depends on how you look , like some people can pull off the black and white all the way and some cant you see, like forget the black skinny jeans and just wear regular blue skinny jeans, give more color than black and white.

  23. yes! that is really cute and different what all of the other 7 graders wear like abercrombie and hollister.  I really like that outfit!

  24. i'd wear that in a second

    for a seventh grader, it seems like a bit much.

    but looove your sense of style.

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