
Is this dancer good? what could she improve on?

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please list all the good things shes doing and then all the things that need improving if you can




  1. very good quailty...

    1)point the toes a bit more

    2)don't let the hands break the line of your first postion arms(they droop a bit)

    Have fun with it and don't look so stressed out...the smile was good and she looked happy to be dancing

    Leaps were gorgeous and she has a perfect dancer's figure

  2. i would say just relax a bit. she looks kinda tense and like she is in a hurry. make the entire piece look effortless. she has fantastic energy though! good job!


  4. you need to relax, point the toes harder (on everything)

    stretch your bottom knee on all the kicks and spins,

    other than that amazing extensions, not bad flowing from one move to the next.

  5. amazing leaps, good format.

    the extentions were excellent aswell.

    needs more practice with the

    side leap at  about 00:29 and

    dont walk heel toe so much,

    especially right in the beginning.

    very talented dance :)

  6. she is really flexible and good at your leaps.

    she also show emotion, which is very hard to teach dancers.

    the only thing i think she should work on is her turns. she seems to..tense up? it's hard to explain. just relax, you are a good dancer [sorry, this 'girl' is a good dancer ;-) ]

    lol have a nice day!!


  7. great smile u need to relax though u look tense work on being controlled but relaxed keep up the good work

  8. She is Good. But ARMS ARMS ARMS!!! Those need work.

    Also That is really cool that she has a dance room in her house!

  9. Need to relax during turns,  seem to tense up, and also work on pointing toes harder, gorgeous extensions

  10. relax during your turns. your shoulders seem to tense a bit. but other then that you were really good! especially for improv!

  11. She's a good dancer, she just needs to loosen up more, she's too stiff. I have that same problem when I dance.

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