
Is this depression that I'm in?

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Do I have depression?

I don't feel like doing anything at all and I don't want to meet people or talk to anyone.

I can't stand it when I'm not listening to a sad song.

I cry a lot for no particular reason.

I don't like being around my family.

I hate getting up in the morning because I know my day won't go well again.

I sometimes think about cutting myself but I'm too scared to.

I feel so numb sometimes, I feel like I've been frozen into this body.

I want to run away sometimes but I'm afraid of the world.

Am I depressed?




  1. The most direct question to ask yourself is "Have I felt like this for 2 or more weeks in a row?"  This question is usually asked to  diagnose depression.  If you have felt this way, seek professional help as soon as possible.  You don't indicate if you are young and still living with your parents.  If so, talk this over with them and asked them to assist you in getting to someone that can evaluate you.

    Often times, when depression is caught  in its early stages, cognitive (talk) therapy can be very helpful.  Other times,  brain chemistry may be such that medication is needed.  There are a lot of different medications out there.  A  good psychiatrist can help you to determine the best course of action.

    One last word, especially if you are young.  Don't do like I did and let this permeate your life until you are older.  I struggled with my problem most of my life, not really knowing what was wrong or what was causing my problems.  A lot of times family and friends would say to  just get over it or this is just a phase or just learn how to  control yourself.  There was little understanding given to my situation.  These things didn't help in my case.  As a result, I missed out on a lot of the happiness life had for me.  I am now older and have a wonderful outlook on life thanks to the counseling, medications, and a deep, abiding faith in God.  This last one may not seem like a real  solution to you.  Maybe you are not a very religious person.  Just remember that even though you may not want to talk (pray) to Him. He is always ready to listen.

    God bless.  Go with the grace of God.

  2. chin up. its not all that bad. talk to your parents about it.

  3. Yeah your depressed. Try taking to a doctor so you can get into some counseling to help you work through it. Being depressed is no way to live.

  4. It sounds like depression to me, but there's a quiz online that you can take to (somewhat) confirm.  Only a therapist can actually diagnosis you, but take this quiz to get an idea  Also, please don't hurt yourself before you can get help - you don't have to take meds for depression, there are other options - including just talking.  Good luck with this :/

  5. I would say you probably are. It doesnt appear that you are enjoying life, and thats not something you should have to live with. Talk to someone like a friend or family member, if that doesnt work, You should go see your doctor because I am sure he/she could prescribe something for you to make you feel better and enjoy life, because everyone certainly deserves to. Live, Laugh and Love

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