
Is this diabetes? Question for my recent question?

by  |  earlier

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From the information you guys told me in my last question i decided to allow you to answer this one based on what you guys told me were symptoms...

Heres my scenario:

Recently i got glasses because my eye doctor told me i was a bit near one in my family other than me has ever needed glasses...Plus you guys told me that diabetics are usually hungry....the same is true for me...and i guess i do drink alot...but its more like sucking on large glasses of water at a time....But no one that i know of in my family has had diabetes....But i hear type 1 isnt hereditary....could you tell me if its diabetes? cause if it is id like to know.... =] Thanks [=




  1. as a diabetic, it does not sound like it to me.  however, only your doctor can tell you for sure.

  2. Kelly, if you are concerned about having diabetes, the only way to know for sure is to go to your doctor and have your blood and/or urine tested.  I haven't seen your previous question which you refer to here, so I'm not sure if you've already done this or not.  If you haven't, go ahead and do so.  There is no way that anyone on this message board, even a doctor, could tell you for sure whether or not you have Type I diabetes just by reading your symptoms.  Please just go to your doctor and talk to him/her about your symptoms and having your blood tested.  A blood test could also tell you what's going on if your symptoms are not caused by diabetes but something else. Please just put your mind at ease and don't worry unnecessarily, just get tested.  Good luck!

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