
Is this diet ok???????????

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11 year old 158 pounds

break fast: Bacon egg and cheese biscuit

lunch: sandwich, 100 calorie snack thing

jump rope 20 mins and scooter 10 mins

snack cup cake

um I'm not 11 I was just wondering

dinner pizza

so is this a pretty good diet. the cup cake was just a birth day treat so I won't be having another cup cake in a while.




  1. You don't say how tall you are so I can't tell if you are the right weight, but my guess is that you are trying to diet.  Your breakfast has too many calories and your lunch doesn't have enough.  Try a bowl of cereal with skim milk in the morning, lunch should be healthy like a yogurt and fruit.  Pizza for dinner is fine as long as you limit to one or two pieces.  Maybe your parents would be willing to help you with this, if not try asking your school nurse for some nutrition facts.  And you can even have a cupcake once in awhile and not feel guilty about it.  Keep up the exercise and try not to worry so much about your weight.  Learn what healthy food is and stick to it.  Good Luck

  2. great for your age

    dont care to much

    but eat some more fruit and veg x*x

  3. Hey!! That sounds pretty good. You should add more fruits and veggies. If you want something good with veggies make a stir fry or something. Oh and its good to have sugar, very important!!  So don't be afraid to have like a chocolate bar once in awhile. As for the pizza, as long as it isnt really greasy. Maybe go back and forth between different things to eat. Like make a scedual, that's what my friend and her family does. It's not good to eat the same thing every single day!

  4. uhhh its alright, fruit and veggies would be a BIG help  

  5. don't have bacon or cheese, or a cupcake, or pizza...if you're really looking to lose weight, you need to have fresh fruits and veggies in lieu of processed foods. bacon is full of fat and cholestorol. if you must beyond any reason have bacon, get fat-free turkey bacon and cook it with fat-free oil. cheese also has a lot of fat, but a little bit is okay because it has some good nutrients in it. don't make a breakfast sandwich, just have one half of the, piling all that stuff just on one slice, no top to it. this will cut out lots of unneeded calories and empty carbs. i know the cup-cake is a birthday treat, so that's fine. but tomorrow have some fresh grapes or other fruit :) and for dinner, try something other than pizza. maybe ask your mom to make you a quick salad or if you do eat pizza only allow yourself one slice or you will add tons of excess calories and fat. this is only if you're trying to lose weight. i calculated your BMI using a BMI calculator, and it states that you are classified as obese. the normal weight range for your age/height is 82 to 120 pounds. everybody is different so for a better ideal go see your doctor. some big risks of obesity are diabetes and heart problems, so if your doctor says you need to drop pounds, listen to him. good luck with whatever you're doing!  

  6. its kinda not okay there are a few things you need to cut out of that diet plant ... cut out the bacon id have a grapefruit or a good frui to have in the morning .... eggs are good thats protein have egg whites eliminate the yellow part .. biscuit im not to sure about that id have a peice of whole wheat toast ... the lunch is fine try putting that on whole wheat bread of a bagel whole wheat with mustard if you like that mustard is better then mayo ... the 100 calorie snack pack is perfect for a snack cupcake you wanna try and stay away from the junk food id have either baby carrots or a peice of fruit apples are good they dont make you to hungry ... dinner pizza i wouldnt eat that its filled with grease ... try having fish (flounder is really good broiled with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) with some veggies or whole wheat pasta .. try that and you will do great and exercise a lot to burn off the calories !

  7. For dinner maybe you should have chicken and salad. Also for breakfast you might want to have scrambled eggs and toast. that's a better combonation. =]

  8. OMG!!!  11 years old and 158 pounds!  WOW!  And I do mean, WOW!!!  My wife is 44 and she only weighs 105 and she has curves too.   To heck with your diet, go see your doctor quick!  You are heart attack just waiting to happen!

  9. for an 11 year old who is 5'3, its a little heavy.

    just eat a little healthier, stay active and you'll be fine.

    i'd lose the bacon in the morning though!

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