
Is this discharge normal??

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I feel kinda weird asking this but;

Today when I went to use the bathroom, I had dark brown discharge. It was slimy and so nasty looking, and this has never happened to me. I ended my period 2-3 weeks ago, and I am definately not pregnant.

Also; could this be an infection ?

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  1. the exact same thing happened to me! about 1 week ago it was brown and sometimes yellow and i didnt get heaps liek period style, just a bit. but now about 1-2 weeks later, its starting to go away. wait a while and if its still there in a few weeks and you havent gotten your period, go to your parents and doctor. im gonan do the same :)

    (i am aslo sick and have been for around the same time it happened, are you sick?)

  2. First and look awfully young?  How old are you?  Some discharge is normal I am not sure about it being a dark brown.  It sounds like you may need to go to the doctor to make sure that you don't have some sort of infection.  It could also be some menstrual discharge..our cycles can be unusual and unpredictable at times. If you are not sexually active I wouldn't let the discharge bother me too much.  Does it have an odor? Are you experiencing any cramping with the discharge? I would probably go to the doctor for a check up to make sure.  It doesn't sound too unusual...from one woman to a young woman...welcome to womandom :>  It can be confusing at times  

  3. this has happend to me before, it is just from your period, dont be worried

  4. That's disgusting!

  5. This is normal. The brown discharge is "old" blood from the v****a that had not yet been pushed out. Old blood is always brown. This happens to many women. The reason brown discharge can look slimy is because it often slips out with the regular discharge many females get. This regular discharge is specifically for cleaning out dead skin cells and left over blood hanging around in the vaginal canal--so this is a sign that your v****a, a self cleaning organ, is doing it's job and that you are healthy!

    This is not an infection and does not relate to having a cold--but could have been wiggled out with cough after cough. Sometimes when we cough we tighten all sorts of muscles, including the v****a muscles, thus pushing out the old blood.

  6. This is most probably a mucous plug located at the openinig of your cervix (or the enterance of your womb). Do you have pain or fever? I don't know how old you are or when was your last pap smear. I don't know your past medical history but this doesn't look like an infection to me. I trust you saying you are not pregnant though. If this is a real concern or it continues to happen you need to see a doc then.  

  7. Although this is certainly possibe between periods, if it has never happened before, please contact your OB-GYN for an exam as it is much better to besafe than sorry.  This I know for a fact as I am a nurse and have seen many outcomes from this same complaint.

  8. No because its normal for bleeding and spotting to happen between periods i get it sometimes nothing to worry about.

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