
Is this discusting?

by  |  earlier

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my dad was in the driveway, and i wanted to see him. it was night. and there was a cricket noise. i ran outside barefoot, and i stepped on a a leaf, i kept going, but the noise wasnt there anymore. then i looked under my foot, and there was a cricket!!! it was discusting there was blood all over my foot from the cricket, and all this other gushy stuff!! i was competely discusted and ran inside to go wash it off hoping on one foot.




  1. Thank you for sharing one page of your diary ...

    1. God has blessed you two eyes to see, use them; and

    2. A mind to think !

  2. Yes..poor cricket!

    Not your fault!

  3. LOL - yah well it happens. It's part of the package when you go barefoot outdoors. It happens and its not that big a deal. You don't need to get "surgical cleaning" -- whatever that is. Soap and water will do.

    By the way - it's DISGUSTING not DISCUSTING.

    Hope you dont let this stop you from continuing to go barefoot .

  4. There will be a lot more "cricket" there... watch out , they will be attach on ur A**

  5. Yes but at least you got some practice in for your biology dissection.

  6. Eeeewww!! How disgusting (note the spelling)!! You will obviously need to get you foot surgically cleaned.

    Poor cricket it was probably getting a little late night batting practice in.

  7. Poor creature. I'm barefoot always and I don't mind getting my feet dirty -never stepped in anything water, soap and a nail brush didn't take care of- but I hate stepping on & killing little creatures. Usually it's snails here, they come out in force after a summer rain and when I go out in the back yard in the evening after dark, I'll sometimes step on them. Snail slime is one of the harder things to wash off but I still feel far worse for the snail than for me, it's dead while I'm all washed clean again in two minutes.

  8. i think you asked the question in wrong section buddy, what is cricket i never knew it, i just know it is a game, thanks for increasing our knowledge !

    may be try in animals > insects cetagory

    best regards!

    god bless!
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