
Is this disturbingly creepy?

by  |  earlier

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I keep a diary with my plots about people, how I'll use people, etc. Basically I like to scheme. Here's an example entry:

What is my goal? Well, I want to have a nice relationship

with _____. I don't care if it's friendship, or more than

that. I just want him. And _____ is standing in my way.

I thought of this thing. Where we all talk. Just me,

_____, and _____. And then, I'll somehow find a few

minutes with ______ and tell him that I love him but can't be

around him any more for various reasons. Then I'll run off.

I won't run off out of fear. I won't run off out of

embarrassment. I'll run off because it wouldn't make sense

for me to linger, to wait for his languid reply of "Okay...",

because it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what he thinks.

It doesn't matter what I think. I would have done what I

needed to do, what I felt was smart. I would've helped

myself, him, and _____.

_____ is a bit of a problem, though. If I break off ties

with her, I will probably break off ties with _____. No.

I'll make my own bonds with him.

I know now, that _____ is of no use to me if we remain

friends. But it isn't possible for her to join my plies.

______ is a possibility. But I would like to keep our

relationship the way it is now. Close, but so far away.

Understanding, yet derailing.

So I'll make my next scheme as soon as possible. After a bit

of sheisse, I'm going to sit down and plan my demise. I

first need to come up with my goal:

Get _____. Lose ______.

But even I question the integrity of the disposition evinced

by those twin statements.

I can't get _____ without losing _____. That is a fact.

But I can't lose _____ without losing a piece of me. I've

devoted so much time into her, pouring out my wisdom,

scheming for her, planting a seed into her life in so many

places. I've helped her so much, that added all up, she owes

me her life and happiness. She owes me ...him.

Not quite yet. I can't rush into things. I can't be too

spontaneous. This has to be well thought out. Every

conversation, every though shared, every suggestion made to

my conversances. I need to find a greater advantage. I need

to sort things out.

There must be a key. Not a bit of knowledge, not evidence,

not a certain competence. A person. A living, breathing

person. The only one I can think of now is ____. He and

______ are so alike. So naive, stupid, innocent, perfect. I

need a male version of _____. Someone who will completely

misconstrue the view from a female's eyes in this situation.

Not ______-- he is too smart, and unwilling to get involved.

Also, I don't like manipulating him. I seem to have a gift

for seeing into people's souls, and having a deeper

understanding. No. Getting involved in this is not his

kismet. He must avoid this altogether. Though he will be

useful for information-- his mother seems to know quite a

bit about the couple that disgusts me-- _____ and _____.

______-- oh, dear ______, how I wish I could tell her all

of this, to show her this register into which I pour my

vexations! But she must not be spoiled; brood can not effect

her quintessence. She must remain my one companion; the one

who follows closely behind on this journey, but steps aside

when I begin to acquit my conspiracies. She encourages me to

be myself. She does not give me advice in situations; I can

see deep into her enough to know that she is in fact a

manipulator herself, a maneuver in the way she acts always

brings out a person's inner self. And I like that. I want

her to continue feeding me, to continue nourishing my darkness.

______ and ______, no matter how kind they be, are

minorities on my list of major friends. They are not able to

be as dark as I am, though _______ is a possibility. She has

so much darkness herself, but she hides it instead of using

it. And she is so unwilling to change that I'm afraid a

lesson in manipulation energies would be a waste of time and

wisdom. I may try, though; she is an option.

______ is a perfectionist. She would make a fine accomplice;

she has a good head, very smart, but her soul is full of

light. Not suitable for my schemes. However, I do sense a

taste of darkness in her soul. It is not very big, and not

powerful at all. It is just pessimism. That repels me

greatly. Optimism is the only way to manipulate. Closing all

doors will get you nowhere, and I see no open doors in

_____'s life. She believes, "Oh well, the future is the

future, fate is fate, I'll just run along with the tide

until something happens, and just go with the flow when

something DOES happen." She is the complete antipode to

manipulation. If I disguise my intentions, however, she may

be a worthy source of guidance.

______. _______ will help me. She is a girl who accepts

nothing but the truth, a fighter. She has thick skin, but is

soft inside. She has a good poker face. She will be my

brawn. But she's not THE key. She is just another tool,




  1. who diagnosed you?  writing as a career might surely be the way to go.

    put your psychopathness to work on a book, and do no real harm to another.  only entertain.  think big.  maybe your book will be a movie.

    yes, is the answer to your ?.  but creepiness can make you a lot of money in book or movie form.  it will surely have creepy consequences otherwise.  what goes around comes around.  a universal law.

  2. I think you have a lot of time on your hands...

    Then again, so do I.

  3. WTF is this?

  4. dude, that is seriously awesome. you could make like a billion dollars in a movie or book or something. That is like weird but cool

  5. sounds like a diary to me

    you may be a psychopth in the way you respond to certain situations in your diary!

    i agree with the person below me, but dont take no offense to what im saying but i love crazy people i think they are creative and if you havent noticed everyone in the entertainment buissness wether theyre musicians actors etc. they have to be comfortable with themselves to produce such talents so id say theyre crazy too and i use this word loosely and if it makes you feel any better well then im crazy too lol!

  6. Yes it is a bit creepy, but then you are so good with words, why dont you become a writer?

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