
Is this dress suitable for a wedding in october for a 17 year old?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Perfect dress! & now a days 17yr olds wouldn't have asked what other people thought of their clothes as they prefer to go out in the most hideous clothes without thinking,well done you have lovely taste in fashion & how to dress well,silver shoes,earring's etc...would go perfect with this dress...enjoy the wedding

  2. Yes, very pretty and stylish, and silver shoes would be perfect.  I would suggest a wrap or pashmina, though, for the ceremony if it is in a church.

  3. sure

  4. deff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but i need to see the shoes....sry.

  5. The dress is gorgeous!! Silver shoes would be perfect. I would consider taking a jacket or something depending on how conservative the family is!!  

  6. I think it is pretty. Although for October, I would suggest a wrap of some sort.

  7. oh this is such a nice dress and yes yes yes!!!! you should wear it.

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