
Is this efficiency in the news

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Why would the authors of this story want to combine the story of Morgan Freeman's release from the hospital after an accident with the story of his pending divorce.

Is it lurid, or are they only saving on pixels, so they don't have to write two separate stories?

If you don't understand my point, don't let it worry you.

Condee loves Denzel, and she doesn't want to be Vice President.




  1. I know what you mean, its lazy journalism, and I must admit pretty out pf place.

  2. The kellyfa p answer contains just a link.

    This is not an answer to the question you would expect it to

    be. Instead I takes you to a web site in the hope you will

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  3. A little tacky. No, a little more than that.

    It probably would have been two stories had they been longer. No excuse, though. A matter of being lazy, I think.

  4. As keefer... said, its lazy journalism. However, I would delete the word journalism altogether, and substitute sensationalism instead. Unfortunately such "reporting" is way too common these days. The only reason to add such nonsense into what should have been a basic news update is stir up controversy where none existed before, especially when the "report" ends by saying that there is no evidence of any kind to support what was being "reported."

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