
Is this election becoming more about Religion than Politics?

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For the republicans we have John McCain who says things like "Constitution Established a 'Christian Nation" and now there is speculation that he has chosen Mormon, Mit Romney as VP.

Then.. we have Obama, who talks about breaking Separation of Church and State to give funds to Church-run charities, and now his VP pick coming to light is Joe Biden, a known Roman-Catholic.

There is real danger in mixing Church and State, and I am becoming more convinced that our Nation, founded by secularists, is going to be taken over by religion.. this is dangerous.

Hillary should have received the nomination, democrats, WTF were you all thinking..





  1. I agree,  and considering that no religion is yet to produce a man who lives in a cloud.

  2. I don't think so at all

  3. Not really.

    Thank God.

  4. Interesting thoughts on religion and the candidates.  It is difficult to separate church and state because all nominees are generally of one Christian religion or another and some believe in Pro Life and some Self Choice.  Incidentally Romney is a Christian even though he believes in things somewhat than you. Religion will always be part of our government whether we like it or not.  

  5. Your nation is traditionally fundamentalist-Christian led.  Nothing new about this election.  Get rid of the pledge of allegiance to the flag for starters.  

  6. Yes, we have been mixing politics and religion for too long. It's at the point where no one can get elected unless they tote a bible or proclaim their Christianity all the time. Hillary is a well known Methodist and she would have done and said all the same things about religion that Obama has.

    Toward the end of her campaign she was beginning to lay it  on pretty thick. In mid April, she welcomed the Pope to the US stating "His apostolic journey is built on the theme of Christian hope, and as he has said, the Gospel message is 'deeply rooted' in our country."

  7. that's how Moron like George bush became president,

  8. i don't think there have been any good christian presidents in a while  they proclaim to be but action speaks louder then words

  9. one thing great about US is the seperation of state and church insured in the constitution,

    if you guys lose it, your country would go back where Saudi Arabia is today,


  10. The only thing you have to worry about in terms of Church and State is the extremist religious right, for whom McCain is the latest hit man.

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