
Is this engorgement or just part of breastfeeding?

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OK. My baby is 6 weeks old. I had mastitis when she was 3 weeks old. I never give up on breastfeeding her so I started again when she was 4-5 weeks . My breast are sometimes like a rock!. I fed her every 3 hours and at night she sleep about 5 hours and I wake up and pump just a little bit so . I take hot shower I massage my breast and I nurse every 3 hours. I read about engorgement and It's suppose to get better on 24-72 hours??? But why every 3 hours my breast are like a rock??? for how long is going to be like this??? forever??? Help please I'm confuse.




  1. Your milk will start levelling out soon enough. Its all about supply and demand. Engorgement is just another word for being full. Feed baby on demand and in a little while you won't get that hard rock full feeling. My son is 6 months and I only get full when I first wake up before he eats.

  2. this will happen for a while.. it probably took about 4 months before I was totally established in breastfeeding and my milk supply was on the supply and demand, and didn't get engorged easily anymore...

    however if I go for like 8 hours not feeding her, sometimes at night.. but most night no.. i will wake up a little sore from being engorged, but once she eats it goes away.

  3. It's different for everyone.  Most women think that what you're feeling is normal, but it's not.  It will level out soon.  When it does, it may feel a little like you are losing your milk, but you're not.  You have plenty, I promise!  If you really do have too much milk, why pump?  That doesn't help in the long run, it just tells your body to make more milk.

    I can't stand that you were told to stop nursing when you had mastitis.  You may have gotten better much sooner if you had kept nursing.  Major kudos for breastfeeding now, even after you've gotten some bad advice.  Find a lactation consultant or a La Leche League group so if you have another question, you don't have to ask your doctor.  Doctors don't know anything about breastfeeding!

    Don't be afraid to take Tylenol or Motrin for the pain.  You're doing great, just keep going.  Soon, breastfeeding will be soooo convenient!  You'll get there, too, mama.

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