
Is this enough i jog around the block five times?

by  |  earlier

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HI I'm 13 years old and i want to be a boxer so everyday except for sunday and Saturday i jog around my block five times is this enough or do i need to do more laps and i always add laps like i'm doing five laps now but when i gain stamina i will do six laps and keep adding laps so is five laps enough for now




  1. its good your building stamina its just important you keep your heart rate up for about 30 min a day, to be healthy. Good luck though.

  2. alrite mate? what you wanna do is get yourself down your local boxing gym and start there and get down the gym 3-4 time a week and show you wanna start boxing, try to run 3 times a week but instead of runnin round the blok go on a 2 mile run insted to go up and down hills that will work, it will take a bit of time to start sparring but stick at it and youll love it, im not talkin out my *** i box to mate.

    if you wanna laugh go on youtube type in ben james that was my last fight of the season. KO

  3. Well its good!


    try running and as you get tired jog!

    it will help you lots more!

  4. if u want to gain stamina, i wouldnt count the distance, but count the time. like instead, try to jog for 30min a day, then 40 after 2-3weeks, 50 2-3weeks later, then finally do 60 min jogs and stick with that.

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