
Is this enough money to survive on in Mexico?

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Ok, let me try this question again: Two people working each making 8500 pesos a month, living in Zapopan (right outside of Guadalajara)....can it be done.




  1. you can do it, but you will have to live very cheaply.

    i dont know what your lifestyle is like but it wont be great at that income level, even in mexico.

    rent:       $2000 for an ok HOUSE (see craigslist/guadalajara)

    food:      $6000 for eating in everyday. (cheaply)

    gasoline:$2000 to drive to work and back.(depends on distances)

    utilities:  $1000 gas/water/electric (maybe less)

    movie/entertainment:  depends

    so it can be done, but wont have any luxury.

  2. Yes, you can live in Mexico on that much money and be OK. What are you going to do? Teach English?

    Remember that something like 90% of Mexicans make less than $8,000 pesos per month, so you will be doing OK. Since you and your husband will both be working and I assume you don't have kids yet, you shouldn't have any problems. Look around for a decent, yet affordable place to live. Pretty much all of the essentials of life are cheaper in Mexico. Food, gas (both for cooking/heating and for your car), public transportation, eating out, utilities, rent, etc are all cheaper than in the states. What's more expensive? Electronics, clothing, cars, cell phones (Mexico has some of highest rates in the world).

    Pretty much all of the basic essentials are cheaper and everything else is more expensive. So, bring as many things as you can with you. That includes clothes, a computer/laptop, and other electronics.

    BTW what type of FM-3 do you have? Usually being married to a Mexican will give you a economic dependent visa, which allows you to stay in Mexico a year at a time, renewable, but not work. FM-3's are usually issued to allow an individual to work one type of job for one type of employer. There is the possibility to have an independent FM-3 but this implies that you are self-employed rather than working for a company.

    Anyways, you guys should be able to live off of what one of you makes each month and then you can save the rest or use it on luxury items, entertainment etc.

    You should be able to manage a decent, middle-class lifestyle pretty much anywhere in Mexico on a combined income of $17,000 pesos. Sounds like you will be living in a small town near Guadalajara, so you shouldn't have any problems.

  3. There are many retirees living in the Lake Chapala area living on that much and they budget their money carefully but they get by.

    I don't know the rents in Zapopan, but you can usually find a decent furnished one bedroom apartment or house for under $300 a month or a 2 bedroom for $400. It may not be in the very best neighborhood but not a bad area either. You won't be able to go out all the time, and a car might be too expensive. But it can be done.

    The biggest problem I see is getting two FM3 visas on that income. The most recent quote I heard was $1200 for head of household plus 1/2 that for each dependent. The amount seems to change frequently but this quote came from an immigration lawyer. I would try to get current, reliable information and be sure you will be able to get work permits and FM3 visas before you commit.  

  4. 850 dollars maybe, or 1700 YES

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