
Is this enough reason not to vote for a female president?

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in other words women are too passive and delicate to be an effective leader and implent sound policy. also it's hard to ignore the sexual part wether you agree or not.




  1. there r many nations in the world where leaders are women.....ever heard of late female pakistani leader?

  2. Wow, thats all i can say for this.

    Umm well lets see ALOT of women purpose...and protect..lets see what about those fatherless children. Who protects the child..the mother does.

    we are equal in any way......

    we vote, we speak, we walk, we work, we cook , we dress out selves

    so why not vote for women...You know sum men are slobs...and what would this world be with out us.

    i cant imagain...* NOt pointin to all guys*

    but u never know for a women can turn the world around for good....

    -From a girls point of view-

  3. In other words you are saying a woman would have to be a man.

    It seems from what you have written that you do not see many assets in the female gender that you find worthy of leadership.  Maybe one day you will step out of your cave and have a clearer picture.

  4. No.The record of that person is the reason.

  5. you are writing about women and stating their characteristics as universal??But we are individuals and there is no such thing as an universal behaviour (both in men and women). I don't see where you are going because you make no sense at all.

    Also you should not forget that your statement is based on your backgound and culture. As you should already know, there are many different backgrounds and cultures. Your way of thinking shows severe limitations.

  6. Hi A very interesting question.

    Despite the fact that some cultures continue to suppress the rights of women, there are quite a few success stories elsewhere around the world.  Given all of the challenges that women face - both politically and in the business world - it takes a truly remarkable effort for them to achieve all they do/did.

    What about about women leading large companies such as Meg Whitman of eBay and some of the likely candidates to be the first women president such as Hillary Clinton. What about the following??????????

    Margaret Thatcher,

    Eleanor Roosevelt,

    Indira Gandhi

    Carleton Fiorina, Former President & CEO, Hewlett-Packard Company,

    Andrea Jung President and CEO, Avon Products,

    Condoleezza Rice.

    Barbara Boxer

    Elizabeth Dole

    Mary Robinson,

    Benazier Bhuto

    Florence Nightingale

    Joan Of Arc

    Mother Theresa Of Calcuta

    Bernadette Devlin

    Marie Currie,

    Will I go on.  I could fill another 100 pages and more. When it comes to the "sexual part" as you call it. Surprise, women , because they are stronger mentaly they dont need it as often as men do.

    I would love to see a man go through the pain of carrying a baby for nine months and then giving birth.

    PASSIVE AND DELICATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    I dont think so.

    Good luck my friend,


  7. No, but d**n close. Women are too feely weely. I expect the president to make a crucial decision based on intellect alone. We don't have time to process our feelings.

  8. Passive and delicate?  Seriously?  Senator Clinton has dealt with over 16 years of abuse at the hands of the GOP and the media, and she's still going strong.  Hardly delicate.  She's also, you know, running for president, which is hardly passive.

    If you don't want to vote for her, that's fine.  It's your decision.  But please don't do it just because of tired gender stereotypes that don't even make sense for the person you're trying to apply them to.

  9. Your personal experience related to the efficacy of women in leadership roles does not mean that all women are passive or dependent.

    There are numerous counter examples to your premise.  Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir quickly come to mind.

    To me, the primary differentiating trait between men and women is physical strength.  And, to be a good leader, one needs mental strength and toughness, not physical prowess.

    Of course, women and men do exhibit different personality traits and tend to occupy different areas of the psychological spectrum in some areas of cognition and emotion.

    For example, women tend to be more nurturing with children.

    But, does that make them less capable leaders?  I think not.

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