
Is this enough to prepare for college?

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One thing I never thought about was college prep, or being ready for college, I just thought about getting the absolute highest score on the ACT I could.

So I am wondering if these are good enough to do very well on the ACT and be extremely prepared for college?

Apologia science physical science to advanced physics.

Saxon math from 65 to advanced calculus.

Applications of grammar (christian liberty press) book 1-6.

Scribners handbook for writers.

Lightning lit american literature mid and medieval british literature.

Vocabulary workshop book intro-6 (holt, rinehart, winston)




  1. You're on the right track. Get an ACT prep book, or take a course. Before I did a prep course, I got a 21 on the ACT. After, I got a 29.

  2. Good info.

  3. Ty, these look great.  As long as your grades are high, you should have no problem with your college apps.

    You should also have no problem on your ACT, I didn't take as advanced a courseload as you are (except in English and Lit), and I got a 31 on the ACT.  You may want to go ahead and get an ACT Prep book, just to have a better idea of what to expect, but it really looks like you'll be fine.  As long as you can weather a standardized test, you should do well on the ACT, and your courseload is preparing you well for the rigors of college.

  4. YOu didn't mention anything about History and Civics, that's also important, as is 1 year of fine arts.

    For Private Schools 2 years conversational and reading 2nd language is often required (not in the State schools, however).

    YOu should have an elementary understanding of the Greek era, the Persian era, the dark ages, the rennesaunce, the Feudal system, the Mercatile system, the rise of science and industry, the industrial revolution, the "ISMS" and finally national polticis or world poltics.

    Background in music, art, sculture, plastics or playing an instrument helps.

    Also have you done any sports, voullenteer work, outside activities.

    Did you learn a style system such as APA or The Chicago Manual

    Finally do you have an essay together about your goals, objectives and reasons for picking a specific college.  That is usually required.

    If you do well on the ACT you should have no problem with the college placement tests for math and English.

  5. you should be just fine. In fact I would suggest that you take the AP or CLEP exams for Calculus, the sciences and Language arts. I know someone who used the Apologia biology and got credit for two semesters of college level biology by taking the CLEP.

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