
Is this essay about periodontal disease good so far?

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Without proper care of the teeth and the gingiva, periodontal disease could easily take over anyone’s mouth and could possibly mean the end to the teeth. This serious disease can be prevented or treated at an early stage by simply brushing and flossing.

Periodontal disease is an infection of the structures that surround the teeth. It begins with food debris and plaque not being brushed or flossed off and they turn into bacteria that worsens and leads to puffiness in the gingiva. Plaque must be taken off the teeth by brushing and flossing twice a day to prevent infection., but it only takes 24 hours for plaque to build up again. A few things that can lower your defenses, and help cause some form of periodontal disease, are: smoking, diabetes, stress, medicine, pregnancy, puberty, AIDS, HIV, cancer, and even diet, to name a few.

Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. Most people do not find out they have this condition until a dentist advises them of it. Signs of gingivitis are: red gums, inflamed gums, bleeding while brushing and/or flossing, sensitive gums, possible bad breath, or bad taste. Gingivitis can easily be treated by brushing, flossing and using a mouth wash and no real pain is usually associated with gingivitis.

After gingivitis is left untreated, it can turn into mild periodontitis, moderate periodontitis, and finally advanced periodontitis. Signs of these forms of periodontitis are: more pronounced bleeding, longer looking teeth, gum boils, abscesses, periodontal pockets, and mobility of the teeth. When these signs are reached

After the age of 35, 3 out of 4 adults have some form of periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss.




  1. that is really really good! and scary.. i am going to brush and floss everyday now!

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