This summer was different. Never have I ever been this much excited for summer as much as for this summer. I expected to spend much time with all the new friends from freshman year. It was week before the summer started, when my summer dream was shattered; my mom told about the family trip to Seoul, S Korea. To be in foreign country for whole summer without any friends or beach or the mall was unimaginable! So with anger and disappointment, we left California. Once I arrived in Seoul, everything was to my dislike: overly populated city, no American show on TV, International Academy which I had to attend, humid and hot weather etc. I spent days after days damning my summer and missing California.
It was half way through the summer at Seoul, when I realized I could still have fun summer in Seoul. I was wasting my summer missing California when I had whole new and different city in front of me. My nostalgia for California was stopping me from having fun in Seoul. I took subway and bus everyday to go to any places; I made friends from all kinds of countries at the International Academy; I went shopping to the biggest shopping streets in Seoul; I saw the river that actually flows; I went to the beach that was so clear that I could see the school of fishes swimming; I walked among the crowds in the streets of dizzy city; All the things that I cannot do in Ventura. I finally had fun when I stopped missing California.
And I learned. I learned that already filled bag cannot be filled with any new experiences and new memories. I couldn’t see the Seoul and all the fun I could have had because I was only looking across the Pacific Ocean, to California.
If I have one suit case to pack and to leave to new place, I would pack absolutely nothing. I would leave it empty with openness, eagerness, and enthusiasm to welcome the new adventure. I would leave it empty to fill it with new knowledge, experiences, and memories. Because why dwell in the past which I will never be able to return to and when I have the present to enjoy. Life is adventure.