
Is this ethical behavior for a global warming scientist?

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Suppose a global warming expert wrote an article about the underlying science associated with climate. Then, this same expert wrote an anonymous review of their own article, giving it a glowing review, calling it insightful etc. Is anonymously self-promoting your own work ethical behavior?

Who do you think would be more likely to do something like this, a rational climate skeptic or an AGW true believer?




  1. It appears just to be human nature.  To say that only one side would do this because the other side is "pure" would be a detachment from reality.

    How many times has global warming been falsely attributed to something negative just to promote the dogma of AGW?  Like the extinction of a species of frogs?

    [Edit] I wonder - Is it ethical for a "scientist" to accept $250,000.00 from a political candidate, then give him his endorsement?

  2. I think that is misleading. I don't think it is correct for you to give an anonymous review, then again I hope that people are skeptical when someone leaves an anonymous review.

    I don't think any one group would more likely to do something like this.

  3. Clearly, an anonymous self-promoting review of one's own work (regardless of their field) isn't ethical.

    But the answer to your second question is much more nuanced.  I wouldn't expect a "rational" climate skeptic to do such an unethical action, but some of the climate skeptics are clearly not rational and thus capable of such unethical behavior.  Likewise, I wouldn't expect someone convinced (based on the science) of the truth in AGW to do such an unethical action, but the term "true believer" gives the impression of a zealot who would certainly be capable of such unethical behavior.

    If the question were rephrased to be: "Who would be more likely to do something like this, an AGW skeptic or an AGW accepter?" I'd go with the skeptic, as they often claim their view is unfairly negated, thus they'd feel "justified" in cheating a little.

  4. I am laughing so hard that non-believers are accused of embellishing the facts!  

    Let's review some facts please.  Al Gore says that by 2100 the oceans would rise 20 feet versus, at the most 23 inches, which he was advised by his own scientists.  Then you got that poor old limping polar bear in that ridiculous movie that everyone feels sorry for, that they didn't mention just tangled with a group of walruses.  Then you have that pic of the polar bears on that little bitty tiny piece of ice, taken by an Australian Biologist.  Her quote, "They weren't in any danger, they could swim; I just took the picture because it was an amazing photo opportunity."

    Then we have this Hillary debacle, which is totally, totally well within the alarmists purview to embellish everything to make the crisis sound more plausible.  ie her Bosnia allegation.

    So, I am laughing at these ridiculous allegations.  There is absolutely NO TIES between CO2 and temperature, global warming is only an unproven and constantly disproven theory and yet Skeptics have to embellish something?

    "I want peer reviewed reports indicating that the sun warms us."  That is the type of ridiculousness that you get here.  There are no scientists and I would debate any Alarmist at anytime they wish to meet.  Cause they got nothing!

  5. A AGW believer.

  6. I don't know, but I have noticed that sometimes when I report one person here for name calling and verbal abuse, 5 or 6 stop posting.  Is it anything like that?  Or the people who come on here pretending to be kids so they can show how bad science is for children?

  7. I think James A. Peden might do this.  Either that, or a denier posing as Peden.

    I think scientists who are AGW proponents are clearly more honest than 'skeptics', in general.  I could point out any number of examples, like Fred Singer perpetrating the Oregon Petition hoax and also denying the link between smoking and lung cancer, and CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer.

    Or my personal favorite, Tim Ball who completely lies about his credentials, then sues people who call him on it.

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