
Is this even possible? 5 points on license, not even driving?

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Ok, sorry if I make this long, but I'm really stressing about this. Last night I allowed my boyfriend drive my car, knowing that he has a suspended license (due to back child support), but we were seriously 5 min away from home and I was really tired (not trying to make excuses)... Well a minute down the road we get pulled over for an illegal u-turn (we both didn't see it) - my boyfriend gets a ticket for $90 and 1 point for the u-turn and two tickets just stating he needs to appear in court... Then he hands ME a ticket for $140 and tells me its 5 points for letting an unathorized person drive my vehicle!! What?! Is that even possible? What are my chances in court? And what will most likely happen to my boyfriend in court? Oh, and the only traffic violations I've had has been a speeding ticket that was dismissed in court - so no points, and running a red light




  1. o course its possible it happened to you

  2. sadly this is the truth.

    i know you were tired, but the law's the law, and even though the law may be dumb and unfair, you will get those 5points and that $140 ticket.

    you can always plead your case,.. even though that never really goes well

  3. giving car keys to person without a liscense,,, is kind of like giving a pistol to both are responsible.

    it is up to the owner to make sure the person he/she is giving a dangerous weapon to is trained and smart enough to handle it.....and a car is a dangerous weapon.  

    you only recourse,,,, don't skimp on your attorney.  You don't even have the he's a good driver excuse,,,because he got tagged with an illegal U-turn as the reason for pulling him over in the first place.

    you may want to consider contacting your insurance agent,,,, and finding out what ramifications this will mean to insurance premium.  

    for future reference,,,, 5 minute cab rides are cheap.

    good luck,,,

  4. You knowingly let him drive with a suspended license and you are surprised you got ticketed? You should have played dumb and told the cop you thought he had a valid license, perhaps you could have skated on that.

    Don't say you aren't making excuses (you clearly are), what you did was stupid, although I do think 5 points is harsh. NEVER let anyone drive your car unless you are sure they have a valid license.

    What are you doing with a deadbeat dad anyway?

    You might need a lawyer to plead down on the 5 point offense, but you'll pay something for that mistake.

    Good luck!

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