
Is this even possible?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently in the school parking lot When i was driving my 06 Dodge Dakota(picking up my son from school)I backed into a 07 Dodge Ram 1500 Without me even knowing it...apparently I took out the entire bed of the truck(this was in a school parking lot mind you) without any damage to my vehicle. I asked Him what day did this occur he said about Saturday(which makes no sense because why would i be at my sons school on Saturday when i had no reason to be there.Then he says I I hit his truck head on pulling out of a parking space(makes no sense at all because i would never back into a space because i do not back in well).So then He says I backed into him!(Makes more sense but still no damage to my truck or bumper)My son does not remember the accident either. So I gave him my insurance info. Though I think he chose my dakota because it is riding spinners with a custom paint job.Oh and we both have the same insurance group so this is gonna be interesting.Im not even gonna call my insurance company because I have no damage to my vehicle (no dents,scratches,paint chips ect) What do you think I should do?




  1. I would not have given him my insurance info that's for sure!  He evidently got hit and chose you at random.  Call your insurance company and make them aware of the situation and that his story has changed and that you deny ever having hit him.  they will investigate it for you.  believe it or not I had a guy call his insurance company and report i hit him and left the scene.  he even had my plate #. his company called mine and reported it.  my company called me and i told them "NO WAY".  when he said it happened i was at work with my car in the lot and had 4 people who could testify i was at work and so was my car.  once my company talked to me they contacted his company and they tried to contact their insured and he never got back to them.  guess he figured i would just pay, but he didn't count on me fighting it OR on me being an insurance agent.  let your insurance company work for you, that's what you pay them for.  they wont just pay out on his word.  

  2. Well it is CERTAINLY possible to destroy someone's car without doing any damage to your own - the jerk who hit me totaled my car leaving not one scratch on his jeep - however he had a high rising old 2 door jeep with BIG HUGE GRILLS on his suv.  

    And I had a lower small car -

    that being said we own an 01 dodge dakota & i'm confident in saying that it would have created some damage to your truck.  

    I would certainly fight that claim -it's his responsibility to prove you hit him in this case it appears this person has NO proof!

    PS dakota's are so pretty aren't they?

  3. I would contact the police but your spinners and paint have nothing to do with it.

  4. Notify the Sheriff's department immediately and request an officer come to your house.  Explain to him what happened and have him look at your truck.  If I were you, I would definately invite the "victim" over to your house as well so he can hear the outcome with his own ears instead of hearing it from you.  It seems to me that this guy doesn't know who hit him.  Without a police report, you really have no ground to stand on should this become a bigger problem.  And also, without talking with an officer, it looks like you did nothing to repel this mans belief that you hit him.

  5. Don't bother calling the police after the fact. There is no pr here so it is your word against his. Your insurance company should  take pics of your vehicle showing no damage and also take pics of the other vehicle showing extent of damage. If you took is whole bed out, like he  claims, you would know that you hit him and you would definatley have damage to you truck. Your insurance company will deny the claim. Are there any witnesses? cameras in parking lot?

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