
Is this evidence that my friend is still doing heroin?

by Guest11063  |  earlier

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He's had problems with heroin before, we had an intervention and everything. We used the whole "it's either us or the heroin" line too. Well he agreed to quit but it quickly became apparent that he didn't. So I stopped talking to him for like 6 months. Then a few weeks ago I started talking to him again and he seemed to have improved. But then I was over at his house and went to the bathroom, and found the bathroom sink closed up with about an inch of water in it. I've never shot up anything myself before but my understanding is that people will take that water, use an eyedropper to put some in their "cooker" along with the heroin so they can freebase it. He's also hanging out with users still, last time I was over there there were two others besides me and him and they both kept nodding out. So do you think he's still on the junk?




  1. maybe but u should prolly hold another intervention and see wat happens after that u should talk 2 him and be there for him u shouldn't just stop talking to him he might feel depressed or something  

  2. Definitely still using if he is still hanging out with other users.

  3. YES!!!!

  4. Yes I think he is there's a saying in NA change people places & things if he's still hanging out with users then he's probably still using I am a recovering crack addict  and I hang around people that don't use coke in any form because if not I would still be using  

  5. Yes. You want to get off the junk you must get rid of all your old friend s(so-called) and start fresh.Its not cruel but a fact. You don't have an alcoholic being friends with a Dean Martin, or a smoker being friends with Cheech and Chong.The temptation is too much.Tell your friend you know hes using and help get them into rehab.

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