So this is my lil' cousin.
She's going to be a rocker for Halloween (Gerard Way, specificly. Her girl-best-friend that has blonde hair is gonna be Bob Bryar and her friend's twin bro is gonna be Mikey Way. All ThreeCheersForSweetRevenge-era.) and we had some fun with my makeup pallates, testing looks.
I told her this red-eye-look suits her and that she's pretty, no matter who calls her emo or scene. (The EMO in my name is an INSIDE JOKE BY THE WAY.)
She doesn't believe me.
She thinks she's absolutely UGLY. And she has BDD, so she's afraid of cameras or mirrors and doesnt like people. She feels that everyone is out to make her life a living h**l.
So I snapped this and figured if someone RANDOM STRANGER told her she was pretty it might help her. :o)
Keep in mind that she's NOT that chubby. It only looks like that cause I had to snap the picture and run fast so she didn't see it coming.
PLEASEE. No "U r so uglie g0 di3 nao plz!!!21#!@" kind of comments.