I am builder (sub-contract). The credit crunch has hit me and my family hard, i have'nt worked since 28th May this year. I approached the jobcentre, went to sign last friday (the most degrading experience i've ever had) and was told today i dont qualfiy for any jobseekers allowance as i'm self-employed. I've contributed tax and national insurance to this cess pit of a country for 10 years (since i left school), and this is how i am treated. The knock-on effect of this is that because i'm not in receipt of income based jsa, my council wont give us a reduction in our council tax, we cant claim income support as my wife works 30 hours a week (earning approx £750 a month). We have been told that as we saved hard for 18months to save a deposit so that we could purchase our own home we are'nt entitled to any housing benefit, as only people renting are eligible for this. I know this may sound as though we're trying to play the system but were not, we just need some kind of help!!!