
Is this fair? Regarding UK Government!?

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I am builder (sub-contract). The credit crunch has hit me and my family hard, i have'nt worked since 28th May this year. I approached the jobcentre, went to sign last friday (the most degrading experience i've ever had) and was told today i dont qualfiy for any jobseekers allowance as i'm self-employed. I've contributed tax and national insurance to this cess pit of a country for 10 years (since i left school), and this is how i am treated. The knock-on effect of this is that because i'm not in receipt of income based jsa, my council wont give us a reduction in our council tax, we cant claim income support as my wife works 30 hours a week (earning approx £750 a month). We have been told that as we saved hard for 18months to save a deposit so that we could purchase our own home we are'nt entitled to any housing benefit, as only people renting are eligible for this. I know this may sound as though we're trying to play the system but were not, we just need some kind of help!!!




  1. No it is not fair.

    The Labour party was created to help the working class when they were in and out of work.

    Now though, they only have contempt for anybody who works and pays their money in NI and tax, because as far as this Labour government are concerned you are just a cash cow. and to stop you claiming for what you have worked for they have put into place as many obstacles as they can think of.

    This government likes to call itself New Labour, but in reality its more like "Lets s***w'em Labour".

  2. That S**t stinks!

    man your money is going to the layabouts who live of the system from the cradle to the grave.

  3. You need to speak to the Citizens Advice Bureau about what options are available to you.

    It isn't fair, but it's a general problem with all means tested benefits. Such benefits encourage sloth and irresponsible spending over hard work and thrift.  I don't believe that any state benefits should be means tested.  

    National Insurance should be like any other kind of insurance. If your house is flooded, the insurance assessor doesn't compensate you based on how much savings you have in the bank. It's ridiculous for the government to treat the public in a different manner.

  4. I had the same.  I have never claimed a benefit until I moved to a different town, which meant I had to leave my job.  I went to my job centre and I was told I couldn't claim as I didn't have to leave my old job.

    They didn't care I moved over 200 miles away and that I had never claimed before.  I am a computer engineer and currently cleaning until I can find a suitable job.  Just so I can pay my rent.

    By the way I am 34 and have been working since I was 13.  This govenment doesn't care.  My advice, go to the citizen advice as they do know sources to get financial help.

  5. Sorry but  you are working the system You talk of your governments need to help you

    Ok I well ...I was  building contractor had my own home  nice car boat you name it ,the down turn in the 80's did me in I was not entitled to any benefits within a year my saving house and wife were gone My fault like you I was humiliated felt very sorry for myself I was getting nothing from my government started to drink every nite a complete waste of time Yes you worked hard and yes because you are self employed you get nothing But you well again have an opportunity to make more money than most You are young and well make it again stay close to your wife and family don't turn on them as i did Don't look to the government to help out You are self employed most only talk about it you did it so it's you and your family against the world Good luck to you

    I'm not spitting on you I know anger well get you no were just do what you can to make it thru this again Good luck to you

  6. During your work as a builder did you declare everything you made to the tax man?

    If you have made regular NI contributions I don't understand why you are not entitiled to job seekers- maybe you have either been too honest (about having had a business) or dishonest (not declaring your earnings and working in the cash economy).

    Your wife could give up her job and then you should get lots of benefits, or you could just do anything you can now to earn a crust.

    You could release some equity from your house to raise some cash- or sell your house and rent.

    None of these seem like good alternatives, but you do have some choices. Lots of self employed people make lots of cash in times of plenty, but don't always put stuff by for the hard times. Builders have been making a packet recently, so don't expect too much sympathy- seek advice from small business managers and accountants in the future and make sure you have a private pension or savings plan in the future.

    The government is trying to cut back on benefits and maybe you are just a victim of the new policies.

    Good luck!

  7. Basically this country does NOTHING to help those who work hard but fall on hard times.

    We went through the same thing in 2006 - when I was unable to work during my pregnancy due to a pregnancy-related illness.  I got SSP (£72 p/w) from my employer for a short while but we still weren't able to keep up our mortgage payments and Council Tax as well as all the other bills without my earnings (my partner is on a low wage like your wife - I was the higher earner).   Our mortgage insurance refused to pay out for a pregnancy-related illness.   We were, of course, denied housing benefit as it only applies to those who rent and you have to wait 39 weeks to get help with mortgage relief (by which time you'd have been bloody repossessed anyway).  We were denied Council tax benefit as our income was about £10 a week over what is considered "the minimum needed to survive" (not taking into account mortgage payments).  

    We ended up going through a repossession hearing when I was 8 months pregnant the stress of which nearly sent me into premature labour and put my baby's life at risk - the council said that if we were made homeless we'd get 6 weeks in a B&B and a photocopied list of private landlords and nothing else - they consider that "discharging their duty" .  Even though asylum seekers and people who have never contributed to this country get automatically rehoused, especially if they have kids.  We only kept our home as my mother in law loaned us the money to pay off our arrears and until I was able to get my maternity pay at 29 weeks, after my SSP finished we had to live off less than £100 a week because they wouldn't pay me any Incapacity Benefit as "I'd not paid enough NI stamps in 2003" (I was working part time and studying that year).  We used up our savings which we'd saved hard and put aside for the baby's things on mortgage,, food and bills - our son had to make do with jumble sale and charity shop clothes and things we were given by friends/relatives and a pram donated by a charity (very humiliating)

    On the other hand if you are a bone idle lazy scrounger who sits on their bum popping out children all your life and has no intention of ever working, you get full council tax and housing benefit, and on top of that (ie after all housing costs are covered) Income Support, Child Tax Credit, Child Benefit, etc etc etc, and a £500 grant to buy new things for your baby.  Some scourngers end up living off about £600 a week if they have several kids.

    I currently work with Incapacity Benefit claimants and encounter this all the time - people who have worked their guts out and paid taxes all their lives but are rendered unable to work because of a genuine, debilitating illness and are denied any help because they have been self-employed, or had a period of part time employment when their NI contribs were reduced - they end up losing their homes, their savings, their pride and their sanity.

    It ******* stinks!

  8. Who do you think you are? if the government have to pay you and many others the job seeker,s allowance they might run out of funds to keep them and their nearests and dearests, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, uncle tom cobbley and aunts, bits on the side and any one else they might want to add to the mix, except the Great British worker, in the life style to which they all get accustomed. Our pensioners are another prime example of the contempt that the parasitic politicians of all persuasions have for the hard working people of this country.

    I recently visited Australia and would advise anyone with time on their side to get the h**l out of this cess pit of a country as you rightly called it, to late for me now, sadly, but for anyone young enough it would be well worth it if only to give their children a better chance in life.

  9. My friend, best thing i can say to you is move to Dubai where builders are most required. You will see that you would be valued and get better pay. And what more you'll enjoy it.

    The UK is a c**p place to be. Goverments Corrupt and So are majority of the people. Racism and discrimination is everywhere in this place.

    This is why i will be leaving this country to go to the middle east once i finished my masters.


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