
Is this fair for the hard workers?

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If you worked hard in college and had a 4.0 GPA and your roommate partied/didn't study and ended up with a 2.0 GPA. Would it be fair for the university to redistribute 1 of your points to your roommate so you can both be "equal" and have a 3.0 GPA?

Does that make you want to work harder knowing that you can work less and some other sucker is going to have to give up what he earned to help you out?




  1. No, it is not fair.  You are trying to make an analogy here, but fall a bit short.  Here is a better one.  Is it fair that your roommate, whose father is a senator that donated the new gym to the college gets the 4.0 doing no work at all, in fact doesn't even go to class, while you earn your same average through study and hard work?

  2. how often do you post this question? i swear i've seen it several times now.

  3. That is part of the problem of liberalism.  It punishes individual achievement and ultimately discourages hard work.

  4. No, it doesn't. But neither does the liberal logic that thinks just that way.

    It's like those sports leagues that don't keep score. Don't want to bruise the little egos. But guess what? The kids know the score.

  5. That's what they did for McCain so he could graduate.  

  6. That's really a poor example to illustrate the inequity of wealth redistribution.  You can't buy heatlh care with GPA points. You can't buy food with GPA points. The guy who has 2 GPA points won't go hungry or live on the streets because he only has 2 GPA points. I think the prepercussions would dictate a different approach to actual money.  All taxation is wealth distribution. I pay property taxes so that my town can have a school... a school which I do not use. That is taking my money and giving it to others. The thing is that there is value in that school. I benefit by having a good school in my community.   It may not be directly but there is a benefit. I benefit by having an interstate highway system funded by tax payers. I benefit by having a military to defend the borders.  The poor guy who lives in the inner city making 10k a year also benefits from these things even though he does not pay for them. The issue is much much more complex than you are making it out to be. You are doing yourself and everyone else a disservice by refusing to fully understand what you are talking about.  

  7. No is not fair and people just don't get it! Taking from the hard working rich and giving to the poor (hard working or not) is the worst possible thing you can do for an economy! The Dems want you to believe that this is the "fair" thing to do when in fact it hurts everyone! Businesses fold, people lose jobs, unemployment goes up, the consumer is affected with higher prices.....all smoke and mirrors!

  8. Nope.  I have to much self respect for that nonsense.  

  9. Can't get any where on a minimum wage job and no money for tuition!  Yes, i would gladly help someone be able to go to college and get a decent paying job.  That is why i am voting for Obama.

  10. It would not be fair but to a lib it is the way they think.

    Everyone in this country has the same opportunity that the next has. You may have to work harder to get it but the opportunity exists.

    As you can see by the stories of McCain, Palin and a vast majority of republicans we were not born well off, we had to work hard to get there.

    If you are unwilling to do so you have no one to blame but yourself.

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