
Is this fair prenup clause?

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I want to include in a prenup that if we stay married X years she gets X amount of money, however if she has an affair she only get half, but if I have an affair she gets double.

Does that sound like a fair clause?




  1. yes, it lets each of you know up front what the rules are.

    A pre-nup is not a death sentence for a marriage, he can leave you things in his will, aside from the pre-nup.  

  2. yeah - it also sounds like a cheater's are basically giving her permission to cheat - for a fee!  and then if she agrees, why that makes you her pimp and her a w***e!  wow - that's the best definition of love i've ever heard!

  3. A prenup is only needed when a business is involved or family property is involved!

  4. I wouldnt give her anything for cheating!

    Besides who would verify this cheating? What if its just strongly suspected, how would you deal with that? Would you require photos?

  5. If she truly loved you she wouldn't just use your for the money.  I would sign it if this was my husband why because I love him.  I would be hurt that he would think I was using him for only money.  

  6. If she has an affair, then she should forfeit any right to any money. Now THATS fair.

  7. Personally if it is your money do what you want with it.  If I had one in place it would be if you cheat you get nothing.  If you cheat so what your the one who put the prenup in place.  In most cases though if adultery is the cause of divorce and a prenup is in place it is usually voided and all assets would be split in half.  Check with a lawyer in most places I think this is true.  I do not think your future wife would mind that though but would still fight for half of everything if you s***w her over woman are vindictive this way you mess with them the wrong weay they will s***w you good and not in the good way.

  8. Sure that sounds fair.

    However I feel that if you do not trust someone enough to marry them without a prenup, the marriage is likely to fail anyway.  You must love one another and put complete faith and trust into one another and your marriage in order for things to work.

    Good luck.

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