
Is this fair??????!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend are 16 and I will not be seeing him for the rest of the summer due to his job...if im lucky i will but its slim. I feel like im in the shoes of a college student or somebody wayyyyy older. I just wanna enjoy the summer with my bf and it seems he doesnt have time for that! What should I do? Is this fair!!??




  1. Life is hard...get a helmet.

    This is fair...your boyfriend's life does not revolve around you, nor should it ever revolve around you.  He has to make money somehow, and I don't think you are paying him to date you, so he needs a job.

    Sorry this sucks, but school will start up again soon and you two can see each other.  Just don't pitch a fit in front of him, because that causes a heck of a lot of problems.

  2. Life isn't fair.

    Sometimes you can't control things....

    Why don't you try supprising him at work on his break....

    Staying for a few min. Then leaving....

  3. I don't understand what is fair/not fair about it. That is just how life is.

    If you were in the shoes of a college student or someone older you would have a full time job too. They still make time to see their significant other... can't you see him before or after work?

  4. If you loved him you would worry about his happiness.  He's not a toy for you to enjoy your summer with. He's a real person with a life of his own.  You should get one too

  5. your kinda being selfish. he's gotta make a living some how, if you guys are serious ... then just think of it this way, you have the rest of your lives to see each other. if you end up getting married your going to be happy you spent some time apart.
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