
Is this fast?

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I am almost 12 years old and ran a mile in eight minutes and ten seconds




  1. no it is not i do not want to brag but i am 12 also and can do it in 7:00

  2. it depends on your body shape if your skiny then thatz slow but if your not in good shape then thatz Ok.

  3. Sounds fast to me, good exercise to.

  4. Its a little above average for your age, but not quite fast.

  5. wow.. yeah! keep on running !!

  6. No its not fast

  7. It's ok for your age, but in general a sub-5 minute mile is considered fast

  8. thats good for your age im 13 and run a 5:45 but thats because i was on the track team

  9. Heck yeah girl...

  10. Yes, it is definitely fast. Faster than average at any rate. There are people who have run a mile in less than 5 minutes, but they are naturally gifted athletes who have worked and trained very hard for a very long time to get to a point where they could do that. 8 minutes is faster than I could run it when I was 12 and I was considered to be pretty fast myself. As long as you keep it up and stay focused, your speed will only increase. Have fun and be safe!

  11. yeah, that's pretty fast, though anywhere between 5 and 7 minutes is where you want to be to really be considered "fast."

  12. It's not super speed... well... okay, no it's not fast, but it isn't slow either.  Fast would be 6 minute miles, mid 6's for your age.  As you get into high school you see that the low 5's and mid 5's are what one would call fast and 6 minute miles can't get you a very good placing.  Then you have those one or two beasts that are in the mid to high 4's.  It's pretty cool if you ever make it to State in high school for Track and Field, you really have to see those girls run the 1600 (mile), it is amazing.

  13. IT'S OK

  14. i'm 13 and can run a 5:38 mile

    in 5th grade i ran a 5:45 mile
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