
Is this feeling normal?

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I haven't found someone special, but at the same time, I am also afraid to look. I'm afraid of myself will hurting him someday, because I got nothing to offer to him. Absolutely nothing.

I am really afraid that I will do or say something bad to him because I never been in a relationship, I don't know what to do. I am scared that I can't love him because I have never felt love, just obsessions and lust. I am also scared that he sacrifice a lot for me and I hesitate to do the same for him. I am afraid that I can't show my affection to him and it deeply hurt him.

I am very afraid to the extend that I have been trying to commit suicide three times (Although they never works). Is this a psychological problem? Or it's just a phase?

I'm 23. And yes, I'm g*y.




  1. I think that you will know what to do when you find the right person.  It will come naturally.  You will know it when you feel it.  Don't rush these things though...take your time.  You have your whole life ahead of you.

    I doubt this is  psychological problem now...but if you are feeling depressed about this or even anxious I would suggest you see a doc.

  2. I wouldn't say you have a psychological problem, but I do think you would benefit from some counseling.  Three suicide attempts is a big deal.  Living with depression is a big deal.  I'm guessing you have some self-acceptance issues floating around in there as well (not talking g*y stuff, but maybe that, too).  There are many g*y or g*y friendly counselors if you are more comfortable seeing one, and their specialties/experience range just like all other counselors.  It will help for you to talk out loud about these things.  Honestly, I think you have fears because you've kept them bottled up.  Talk to someone.  Letting them out will help you know that you don't need to be perfect in a relationship.

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