
Is this fish setup ok for a 10 gallon aquarium?

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I'm soon going to be purchasing a 10 gallon aquarium. I'd like to put 3 fantail guppies in it, 3 glofish, 2 spotted cory's (I'm not sure about 2 of them yet because I've read that some of them prefer to be loners) and an african dwarf frog. Is this an ok group..i'm open to more suggestions




  1. Most cories are schooling fish and prefer to be in groups of 3 or more.

    Your mix of fish sounds fine, just be prepared to do something with the guppy puppies that are sure to follow.

  2. It's a little large...

    And I would either do a frog or fish, probably not both of them together.

  3. i would add one more cory and one more glofish and thats good

  4. yes! spotted corys like to school so i wouldn't just get one. i dunno about the frog, they don't eat fish food, only bloodworms and other frozen foods so just make sure they are eating!

  5. Do you mean fancy of fantail?? I have never heard of fantail guppies...but they sound cool! So I say 3 corys, and 2 or more african dwarf frogs, cuz they like to be in groups.

  6. argh, it was said GLOFISH not GOLDFISH

    yes, that's a good start

    just some changes

    3 guppies

    6 glofish (they're schooling fish)

    4 spotted corys, also schooling fish

    nice and colorful setup

  7. Gold fish are very dirty and I would not put them in a tank with the others as they will foul the water a lot. I have one Cory but as a rule Cory's like to be in groups, They are social creatures.

    If you put Guppies in a tank that size make sure they are all female as one male and 2 females he will constantly be chasing the females to breed and males will pick at each others I had them in my 20 gallon and was not big enough.

    Are you putting plants and things in the tank for the fish to hide in and the frog should have a place to go as well ---- I just observed a batch of frogs in WM and was very sad to see that the guppies were picking on them and there were several dead in the tank.. SAD!! research on each fish (google them) that you will add in the tank and make sure that you cycle the tank before you add any fish that you may get attached to as the ammonia levels will kill them when the tank is cycling.

    A rule of thumb to follow when stocking a tank is to have bottom feeders.. Cory,   Middle swimmers like Neon's, otocinclus for algae control in a tank that size and 1 male betta would look awesome in with them.

    Good luck and if you have not yet purchased your tank I would try to get a 20 gallon as a 10 gallon is very small for keeping a community of fish.

    Good Luck

    and ENjoy the fish .. they kind of grow on you!!

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