
Is this flirting or being too friendly with a student?

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Is this flirting or being too friendly with a student? My teacher tells his class a story,& at the end of the story he will turn to a girl,& ask her,"did you like that story?", & smiles at her,.Is that flirting or being too friendly?And he done this more than once,but he only does it to her. :(

He talks to this girl a lot,like they talk about CSI all the time,he brags to the class about how smart she is, He 30 and she 15. Don't you find this a little weird?

And yes Im jealous,because I have a crush on him.




  1. Didn't you ask this question a couple months ago? If not, there was one just like yours!

    Yes, the teacher sounds a little creepy, but since you admit you have a crush on him, you are a little biased.  Nevertheless, you should tell your parents or the principle about the specific instances you think are inappropriate. Tell the truth as objectively as you can because your accusations are very serious.

    And honestly, honey, why do you like a 30 year old? He could almost be your dad!  I understand that maybe he's cute or something, but seriously, you should focus your attention on guys your age! Talk to your parents or your school counselor because liking older men is not normal or healthy.  Plus, you should be worrying about your life (school, friends, sports, etc.), not thinking about a teacher.

  2. that is really creepy, it sounds like he's giving special attention because he likes/is attracted to her... which is creepy, a student and teacher?!? i would say its a little too friendly and he's a flirt

  3. It is a little weird.  What's funny is, years ago when I was in high school, there was a teacher like that.  He seemed to simply love this one girl.  He was about 28 and she was about 16.  Turns out, they were actually having s*x.  He was the girls soccer coach and the leader of morning prayer.  After it hit the local news channels, other girls came forward.  They were ALL the girls he was "especially nice" to!!  The assistant principal was arrested as well.  I'd say you were over reacting but then again, it could be something else.  But try not to let your jealousy overwhelm you.

    *Its not abnormal for someone your age to have a crush on someone older.  Most normal girls do.  Its wrong if you pursue him but nothing is wrong with you otherwise.

  4. the teacher must lik the girl and praise her bcuz she must be a good student or she may act lik a "teachers-pet" in front of that guy. its being too frndly not exactly flirting! he must hav a wife and all or a gf or somethng so i advise u to stay away..i know myself that messing around with elders can be .well...HEARTBREAKING!:))))))))))

  5. its a bit over the line, and drop you crush, because he probably is married or has a 30 year old girlfriend.../

  6. Why are all of your questions exactly the same?

    Seriously: Check her questions! lol - She's asked this same exact thing 5 times already.

    Seems like you're obsessed with this teacher! Get a life!

  7. IN answer to your question, yes, its a tad on the creepy side. As for the Crush, GET OVER IT.. unless you WANT to be labeled as a tramp.  

  8. Hi there,

    As a teacher, we try not to pick favorites, but sometimes it unwittingly happens if we have a student who has similar interests or personality types.

    However, it sounds to me like they are spending class time discussing things not appropriate to the class itself (unless the class is about his personal stories or CSI) and THIS is concerning. I can't speculate what his relationship with the student is, but what he is doing is certainly not professional.

    When I started teaching I was in my early 20's and married another teacher in the school. I was excited of course, but I spent most of my time talking about my wedding and plans in class instead of talking about the class. Then, when I had to be the 'teacher' and reprimand some students for cheating (it got serious), you bet there was backlash. Every class period had several students who had parents who went to the office to complain about me. They didn't complain that I reprimanded their students for cheating, they complained that I was spending too much time talking about my personal life and not about the class. AND THEY WERE EXACTLY RIGHT. I got in some big trouble, and it was a hard lesson. But I learned it.

    After that year, I NEVER had that kind of conversation with any of my students again. Not about television shows, movies, stories, or anything unless it was relevant to the class material or on the off chance someone asked me about something. He is walking a dangerously thin line, and needs to be reported immediately before it gets out of hand. Right now, the worst he will get is a reprimand from a supervisor, but maybe it will 'scare' him into straightening up before things DO get out of hand.

    Crush or not (and you should not be crushing on this guy, what a creep, I know it's hard to see that when you like someone a lot), it is up to students like you to report unprofessional behavior like that. I wish I had realized what I was doing before I got reported, but although I had a TOUGH year that year, I'm glad it happened so I didn't end up doing anything that could end up being misperceived or misunderstood and getting me into a lot MORE trouble!

    Go talk to your assistant principal. This needs to be reported. Talk to your parents also, they may want to go with you, this may concern them as well. What is happening in that classroom is unprofessional and has no place in the teaching profession. Yes, we all tell stories, we like our students to know we are 'real people,' but if what you are saying is true and not 'blown out of proportion,' then he needs to be warned by someone in authority before he gets himself into REAL trouble.  PLEASE tell your parents and an assistant principal (not a guidance counselor, they are so awesome but they have no authority over teachers).

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