im in 11th grade there is this guy at my school and we did a project together in physics the teacher paired me up with him, and his friend and we were all working on it and then i said something like what we should do next and he said really loud to his friend "does this girl know anything?" he said it kinda jokingly but it was weird. i was just kinda like uhhh haha. yeah i do. but he didnt smile when he said it so it kinda confused me and also once he was watching me do another physics project with another group and i was like using this instrument thingy lab equipment and hes like dont use that its illegal i was just kinda caught off guard and was like uhhhhhhhhhh it is? he didnt do this to any other girls in the class.but like i dont understand him also theres this one really pretty girl, shes like super nice and super pretty and he called her "beat" and she was really upset. did he do this stupid stuff to get my attention? im thinking he maybe just sucks when it comes to girls, cuz like also he stares at me nonstop when he sees me but i ignore but he never has approached me to have a normal conversation. the weird thing is i like him but the way he tries to talk to me or whatever he is trying to do is weird. do you think he likes me??? i dont get it.he stares at me alot too. but maybe he just sucks with girls? what do u think? hes popular though..also im shy so maybe he finds it hard to approach me?