
Is this for real??? cut and paste link to site..

by  |  earlier

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ok, this makes me sound really stupid and gullible and I'm pretty sure it's some sort of sick joke but could someone please reassure me that

is a joke and they dont really attempt this? I mean, it gives instructions so idiots can try things. Does anyone know for sure if it is or isnt real? And does anyone else find the idea sick and twisted?




  1. This site was created as a sick joke from some guy who goes to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). It's been reported time and again throughout the years and has been an on going site for at least 10 years now. PETA has a strong protest in trying to get the government to remove the site. The link is here: if you do a simple search for bonsai kitten hoax many news reports have been done on this site and have proven that it is fake.

  2. so so....AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i should do that to mr jinngles

  3. No, that's just a sick joke. If it was real there would be a page to buy it, but there isn't.

  4. Thats beyond hilarious.

  5. This is indeed one of the most sick and twisted thing I have ever seen. I had come upon this site before and sent a furious e-mail to the webmaster. I can't really tell you if it's real, but I kinda doubt it is. I doubt they do attempt this because it is very inhumane and I'm sure PETA would be all over it if they really did harm the kittens.

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